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Hi, welcome to my website. My name is Paula and I am a lover
of shih tzu. I share this site with my furkids and family. I have
promised myself that this is the year to keep up with my website and all
the new litters.
I would especially like to thank my friend Linda for all the patience and
guidance she has shown me through this whole process.
I hope you all enjoy your visit with me and don't forget to visit the
Rescue dog page and see some of those whom I have helped
to find a better life.
Remember there are updates being made and my pages will change from time to time
so come back and visit often. I promise to do a better job of keeping up.
On October 25, 1999, I became a first-time grandmother to a wonderful baby girl
named Hannah LeighAnn.
Please see the link below to visit her page.
She is such a sweetie! And I am such a proud "Grammie"!