Hi I'm Brakkenjan.
My interests are:
If you want to know more about the South African Boerboel dog and the Family tree of the Dunn's in South Africa, visit the following pages:
I was born in Bloemfontein in Freestate Province and as such is commonly known as a "Blikoor" (tin ear). Alhoewel ek die eerste paar jaar daar gewoon het, is ek nou 'n Kapenaar in murg en been. Vir wie anders kan ek nou ondersteun as PROVINCEEEEE !
WORD VERVOLG!! (sodra ek weer tyd kry.)
I believe that this move intothis page takes quite some time, but will continue until.........
Rugby, Cricket, Boerboel dogs.
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Die Knoop. Die plek waar Afrikaanses saamkom.
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