Vanessa Giddens, Certified Trainer

Southeastern K9 Academy

Obedience Training
Specialty Training
Police K-9 Training
Personal Protection
Puppy Preschool
Temperament Testing
The Right Breed
Kids and Dogs
The Right Trainer
Interesting Dog Quotes
About Vanessa
Dog Fest '99!!!!
What Others Say
The Wish List

Please be aware that Andrews Pro K-9 Training is now Southeastern K9 Academy. Feel free to check out our new website at, or continue reading on to learn about Southeastern K9 Academy's roots! On this site you will be learning about dogs. Training them, caring for them, and helping them live longer, happier lives with you. Please note that some pages are frequently updated.

Many of the photographs on this site are courtesy of Lauri Andrews Photography.

Thanks for the great photographs, Lauri!

Well, I won an award for my site, and since it's the first, I'm putting it on the front page! It means a lot since I've done all the work and maintenence, and I'm by no means a computer expert! (I only know dogs.)

E-mail me with any questions, comments, or feedback you have, and feel free to sign my guestbook or add a link!