Hello, My name is Betsy. This is my Husband Andy & I.
We've been married now for 14 yrs.We were married on Aug.27th 1987.
I am 34 & my husband is 38.He's an Auto Mechanic & I am a Psych Tech.
I work in a hospital helping people. I really love what I do.
I could'nt have asked for a better job or the people I work with.
We help people that are in need of help with alot of different mental
Illnesses.Like depression which I also suffer from myself. I can relate
in many different ways.I think thats why I love what I do so much
because I can relate to different situations and I been in some
myself.If you suffer from depession or something else or need help
or just someone to talk to contact your local crisis hotline or
Behavioral Health Unit there is always someone to talk to and to help
you get the treatment you need and deserve. Alot of people I have met
or discussed things with about depression don't really know what it's
about or what can be done to help the situation. There is information
out there for you. Some people don't even want to admit they have
depression but I am here as someone who does suffer from it and there
is nothing wrong with admitting to or getting help for yourself or
someone you love.If your worried about someone finding out your there
and getting treatment. DONT. Your Information is strictly confidential
and we cannot give it out to anyone unless you sign a paper saying we
can. So if you or someone else is suffering from a Mental Illness and
have'nt gotten help Please do.Remember,the help is out there you just
have to make the call.If there is just a couple people that I can get
through to by my web site It would be Great. Sign my Guestbook so I
know you were here.I would love to hear what people have to say about
my site. I do have a link to Dr.Koop. A patient of our's recommended it
to me because he knew I had a Website.You know who you are.It Has alot
of Information on the site about Mental Illnesses that I know will be
of some help to you or someone you Love.He also gave me another site
about Cancer. Someone he knows has it and found the site very useful.
You are a Great person and thanks again for the information. You know
who you are...:)
We have 3 children. Scott who was the New Years Baby in 1989.
He was the first in Clinton & Lycoming County. Our Beautiful Daughter
Ashley. And My Stepson Andrew. We have lots of Pets. 4 Cockatiels,
1 Parrot,3 dogs,& 3 Cats.