Temple of Bootlegs



Select a period

Black October till 85Trans Europe ExcessTune in Turn on Burn out

Till 1985

1990-1993 1990-19931990-1993


1996-1998Event Horizon 1998Summer tour 1998


Sisters to the Planet Edge 1999Trip the lights fantastic 2000




demos.jpg (12306 bytes)

Demo's & Rarities


Other bands



Cool Links

Check out the next places where you can find Bootlegs or information ;

Good Traders  (Traders I can recommend)

Black Planet Bootleg Discography   (Info about Sisters boots)

The Sisters of Mercy Links database

Uncle Sister

Poison Door  (Great and very up-to-date Sisters site in German)

Net Trader

Tape Trader Network


Interested in a trade ??

Mail me at Avalanche@zonnet.nl