
To all the rats I've loved before, who travelled in and out my door.
I'm glad they came along, I dedicate this song to all the rats I've loved before....


Augustus (Oggy) Rat!

January 28th 1997 - May 2nd 1999

Although he was the smallest (a.k.a. the runt of the litter) Oggy quickly emerged as the brightest and most adventurous of his 11 siblings. He was also the healthiest, outliving his 8 brothers and 2 sisters and making it to the ripe old age of 2 years, 3 months. Oggy was quite a character. He had a lot of personality and was always getting into mischief. I miss him a lot.

Oggy is pictured below with his dear departed brothers Tiberius and Livius.

L-R Tiberius, Livius and Augustus Rat

(I miss you too Tibber and Livy!)

If only ratties lived a little longer....what a wonderful world this would be!

Here are two pictures of Oggy's beautiful mother, Julia Rat, with some of her babies...

Oggy, (front, foraging for food!)
Julia, and family

Baby Oggy, (out in front, as usual!)
Julia, (far right) and family

Bringing home another rat was the last thing on my mind the day that Julia Rat chose me as her human. She was about 3 months old, pregnant, (although I didn't know it then,) and sitting in a dirty, overcrowded cage marked "Feeder Rodents". As I walked by, she locked her eyes forcefully with mine and sent me the following telepathic message,"Get me out of here now, and I promise to be the best, most special little rat you've ever known!" I obeyed her command and Julia kept her promise. She passed away on March 10th 1999. I like to picture her reunited with her babies, waiting patiently at the rainbow bridge.


If only ratties lived forever...what a wonderful world this would be!

A Younger Julia

(as she might look at the bridge)


There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.
It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors.
Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge, there is a land of meadows,
hills and valleys with lush green grass.
When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place.
There is always plenty of food and water, and warm Spring weather.
The old and frail animals are made young again.
Those who have been maimed or injured, are made whole.
They play all day with each other in the meadow,
calm and relaxed, with no fear of danger.
But there is only one thing missing.

They are not with their SPECIAL person who loved and cared for them on earth.

So, each day they run and play, until the day comes
when one of them suddenly stops playing and looks up.
The little nose twitches, the ears go up,
it's head sways slightly from side to side as it strains to see into the distance,
and then it suddenly scampers away from the group!

You have been seen, and when you and your SPECIAL friend meet,

You pick them up and hold them in a tender embrace.
Your face is kissed again and again and again
and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your beloved pet.

Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never to be separated again.

author unknown

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