"Home of the Proud Bulldogs"

My name is Heather Harstead
and I was proud and excited to create the "first" web page for the
"Jersey Shore High School Band"

Our band was very proud to be able to be part of the "Disney Cast"
in January of 1999.
It was an exciting trip for all the members.

click on photopoint link

1999-2000 Band Officers
President: Matt Reichelderfer
Vice President: Vanessa Trafford
Secretary/Treasurer: Sarina Smith
Historian: Lauren Forcey
Our Drum Major: Cassie Leonard

Picture coming soon!!

ASSISTING GRADUATES: Leah Barner, Greg Bower, Molly Fink, Jason Koons, and Katie Long.

The 1999-2000 Band Proudly Presents Their Fall Program

Music and Magic of Mangione

The show begins with:

Feel So Good - a quick and easy jazz piece with a slow opening,
followed by a build into jazz style work. Short question/answer section closes the energetic opener.

Bellavia - latin style ballad opens with a french horn solo
and uses middle range instruments for more mellow sound and
feel. It then fades out into the next selection...

Land of Make Believe - multi style and texture work in jazz and pop style.
Several solos open, moving into a driving bass line,
melody in brass and woodwinds soon follow.
Percussion breaks keep everything moving with tempo and voice changes.
Fast paced closing section rounds out the program.

I would like to take this time to dedicate
this page to Mr. Dent.
I was very excited to be able to create the very first
Band HomePage. I would not of been able to create this page
without the help of my friends in the band and Mr. Dent.

Mr. Dent I would just like to "Thank You" for all you
have done for me in my years in the High School Band.
I am deeply grateful for all you have done. Thanks for
everything, you taught me about life and how to deal with the many
problems I may encounter throughout my life.

I would like to thank the band for the many years
of hardwork and dedication you have all given.
I am so proud of you all and will definitely be returning
to see you triumphantly win this year.
Remember, always hold your head high
and remember what Katie said "EYES WITH PRIDE"
Keep that in mind in all you do and you will go far.
I must say everyone truly has been an inspiration to my life.
Thank you for a great couple of years.
I love you all so much.

Sincerely, Heather Jo Harstead
aka "Horsehead"


My Pals..Me, Sarah, and Clark

"UH-OH" Mr. Dent, I shrunk the band kids!"
(starting in the middle laying down) Robin, Sarah, *me* Heather, Cassie, and Vanessa

Here are a few of the sites I enjoy visiting:

Tournament of Bands Web Page

Pollstar - The Concert Hotwire

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