Our Hmong Culture

stories, history, information, and books


If you are Hmong, and would like to add your comments ti this page please answer the following questions in your own words. Please e-mail me the answers with your signature . If you do not want your signature by your quote tell me. Clean language only please. 1. What is a Hmong? 2. Why are you Hmong people here? 3. How can you contribute to this country?

This is a link to a Hmong folktale version of Romeo and Juliet

I have been very busy studing my husbands language since I found a rare treasure in my public library. It is a book called Hmong For Beginners. So needless to say we have elected to study Hmong fairy tales this week, 10-11-98. If fairy tales are of interest to you check your library for these titles: Jouanah a Hmong Cinderella. Folk Stories of the Hmong. Asian Folktales. Nine in one Grr! Grr!. The Hmong In America: We Sought Refuge Here. and Only A Toad. These have all been very enjoyable for the whole family. My husband who was sent of to boarding school at a young age has even heard some that he did not know.

This last wekend, September 5th and 6th, 1998, was Hmong summerfest in Green Bay and the Fox Cities, Wisconsin. Hmong festivals are quite fun. You can see people waering traditional Hmong dress. You can also buy many things from books written in the Hmong language to Beautiful hand made Hmong story clothes. At the festival many sports are played; scoccer, volleyball, a Hmong game called ball and a number of other things. There ussually is a Miss Hmong pagent, talent shows and a dance in the evening. The people are so jolly and friendly. You can see they have much unity and respect for each other. If you ever have a chance to visit a Hmong festival please go. Being with the people is the best way to know about their culture.

Links to other sites on the Web

Learn more about hmong culture
Hmong Romanized Popular Alphabet
Hmong and English Dictionary

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