Welcome to my Guestbook!

Anna Morello - 10/27/99 19:17:42
My Email:AnnaJim@webtv.net

From one dog lover to another,Howdy,I have a minature Rat Terrier named Lucky,he weighs in at a big 5 1/2 lbs.dripin wet!LOL..Your site is really neat and the pics are as cute as can be!Will tell my friends about it.Have a great day......Anna

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/20/99 23:00:16

Ich denke, daß Sie Seite interessant sind. Ich fand sie durch Unfall auf GeoCities. Wievielen Monaten haben Sie GeoCities verwendet? Lebe wohl.

Wayne Johnson - 10/16/98 12:29:34
My URL:http://www.users.kih.net/~kq4pl
My Email:kq4pl@kih.net

Hello again Teresa stopped by to if there were any changes looks like you have some nice comments on your visitor guestbook. cousin Wayne

Bill Uhles - 10/08/98 20:49:42
My URL:http://www.brightok.net/~seaweed
My Email:seaweed@brightok.net

I enjoyed doing "Beanie Business" with you I love dogs also . My favorite breed is Beagles. Keep in touch.....Seaweed

Bill Uhles - 10/08/98 20:49:38
My URL:http://www.brightok.net/~seaweed
My Email:seaweed@brightok.net

I enjoyed doing "Beanie Business" with you I love dogs also . My favorite breed is Beagles. Keep in touch.....Seaweed

Gradie~OOPS! - 08/26/98 01:40:20
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/3491/ginger.html

I goofed should have been ginger not Ginger! Sorry

Gradie - 08/26/98 01:38:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/3491/Ginger.html
My Email:kd4tkl@mail.ivprog.com

HI! I'm a ham friend of Wayne's (ain't he great). I love the site..cute dogs & neater family! God Bless, be sure to drop in & visit my site & sign the guest book! I have one spoiled rotten Doxie, left her html!

Rebecca Rogers - 08/01/98 14:03:18
My Email:rudyrogers@kih.net

I like your web page I think it's neat. I bookmarked your web page so I could visit and see if you add more.

Connie Downs - 07/28/98 02:03:35
My Email:connie@chipsnet.com

I LOVE it. Now Prudy (note spelling) can see her family on the NET.

WAYNE - 07/25/98 00:51:51
My URL:http://www.users.kih.net/~kq4pl
My Email:kq4pl@kih.net

Great job Teresa

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