Just a little History of the Breed and the Nature of the Schnauzer Most experts believe that the Miniature Schnauzers is the result of crossbreeding poodles and affenpinschers with smaller stadard schnauzers. If this is correct, the addition of these other two breeds with their positive traits of vigor and intelligence certainly improved the result. The miniature Schnauzer measures 12 to 14 inches tall and should weigh from 9 to 16 pounds. Generally males will be larger than females. When fully mature, all Schnauzers are robust and sturdy animals. The coat color may range from light or dark silver-gray, to finely mottled brindle, to almost black. Come in and take a look at my Schnauzers
In the long bluegrass of Kentucky their is a place where Miniature Schnauzers romp and play in the clean air and sunshine. There are chickens and ducks to chase, streams to wade in and much fun to be had. By Pepper, Jessy and Brandy.
Hi this is me Brandy , Mom and Dad on vacation, we love to travel.
Hello I'm Brandy!
These are my brothers and sisters..
HEY!!! whose that, that's not my sis with Mom.
Prudy, does she look familiar? She is my sister that lives in ILL.
Jessy Taking it easy.
Pepper with a bad hair day.
Pepper with a good hair day.
Jessy and Brandy (Playing Santa)
Brandy, Jessy and Pepper Christmas 1998
Rules of Thumb:
Owning two dogs is no
more work than
owning one, but three is, "Hard
Ancient Latin Proverb:
"Love me, love my dog"
High Miniature Schnauzers
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