and an article about some other imports.

The Beagle Club of Queensland wish to thank Mrs. Judith Mc Murtrie for the research and compilation of the following history of Queensland Beagles and Exhibitors. To the Club's knowledge this is the first time a comprehensive history has been undertaken and a forbearance for any errors and omissions is requested

According to the records of the "Queensland Dog World", the first exhibitors were T & V Kidner fro Queensland. Oatendale Bashful (Stanhurst Bellman x Shrubland Chattagain) was transferred by G. White was the first Beagle to win a Best in Show under the late WC Duckworth at Mossman Show in August followed by Oatendale Pilgrim who was later transferred to Malaya.

The dog Oatendale Bar Boy (Ch Shrubland Chanter x Oatendale Duchess) was followed by Oatendale Ranger ( Ch. Stanhurst Bellman [Imp] x Ch Limboume Vivid [Imp]). Ranger was the most noticeable winner for the Kidners, Show awards. He died at 5 years of age.

These Beagles formed the foundation of Maple Kennels (owned by T & V Kidner). Stock was widely spread to New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia.

It wasn't until 1956 that another kennel began breeding. Mr. JDR Harkess of Brisbane registered Harallon Kennels brought to Queensland Dulohn Lad (V) (Ch Ballarn Rocket x Serenata Flicker) and Huntingdale Sarah (Stanhurst Ringwood x Navada Blue). Later Oatendale Flighty Boy (Shrubland Chanter [Imp] x Oatendale Duchess) Oatendale Princess (Limboume Truant x Oatendale Dinah) arrived for Mr. Harkess. Mr. T Coogan (Gailes) acquired Serenata Huntsman (V) (Ch Trueman of Oakridges [Imp] x Ch Shrubland Baymore [Imp]). Also in 1956 saw the transfer Bellmaid to Mrs. M Loan of Brisbane. This bitch was the foundation bitch for Glenlowan Kennels. 

In late 1957 Oatendale Bold Boy was mated to Maple Enchantress and this litter was bred by C Allan under the Conway prefix.

Show wins were few and far between at this time because Dachshunds and Greyhounds were by far the largest breeds exhibited in the Hound Group.

In 1958, Kidners imported Barvae Simon of Bramblings (Ch Barvae Pagan x Barvae Spotlight) from the UK. Maple Bellman and Glenlowan Jubilant Fran were transferred to Mrs. P Smeets. Huntingdale Gem (Ch.Appeline Radar[Imp] x Ch Appeline Dutiful [imp UK) went to Harallon Kennels.


1959 saw Harallon Helen transferred to the Cranage Kennels of Mrs JH Walker (mother of Judith McMurtrie) C Robinson bred a litter (Oatendale Flighty Boy x Huntingdale Sarah) under the Rossmar prefix. Maple Showboy went to M Loan and Maple Candida to Mrs P Smeets’ Dunrory Kennels. Another prefix that appeared in 1959 was Marford.

During 1960 Mrs. E Holborn of Toowoomba applied for the "Aranda " prefix and T Bryan the Bellman prefix. Oatendale Rady O'Grady (Stanhurst Bellman x Ch Barvae Pixie [Imp]) arrived for J Harkess along with Huntingdale Midas (Ashdale Cargo [Imp in Dam] x Huntingdale Wonder). Oatendale Bobby Dazzler (Barvae Trooper x Ch Barvae Pixie) transferred from C Robinson to E Holbom. Serenata Bashful (Ch Belview Danny Boy x Ch Serenata Beeswing) and to Mr. S Loan. Belview Julie (Ch Oatendale Peter x Serenata Scuttle) went to the Kidners.

In 1960, beagles are now starting to hold their own in the Hound Group. During 1961 the Hound Club of Queensland was formed. Harallon Hedgerow was doing quite a bit of winning for Mrs. C. Jefferey and prefix’s Huntersleigh (Danielles) and Honeywill (Brown) were approved.

Early in 1962 we saw a marked increase in litter registrations. Aranda Kennels won fairly consistently with Oatendale Harvester (1 Best in Show and 3 Best in Groups) and Aranda Vanity Fair. Oatendale Ponto and Oatendale Damsel [both by Barvae Brambling Boson (imp UK) x Ch Barvae Pixie (imp UK)] came to Harallon Kennels. Prefix’s applied for were Max Fortune (Brandt), Earlville (Earl), Sleighland (Randall), Gerarch (McMurtrie), Raethoss (Siemon) and Tawirri (Anderson). Tawirri Tipper was shown by Mrs P Smeets and Rosmar Mandy (N. Stoodley) were in the winners circle.

1963 saw prefixes approved for Gilnea (Gillis), Meredelle (Hale) and Aurora (Waters). Ashdale Dauntless (Ch Benbrick Minstral x Huntingdale Model) came from New South Wales to R Edwards. Bluebell Julie (Appeline Boisterous of Albury [Imp] x Serenata Juliet) arrived for D Lane's Mitobyn prefix. Oatendale Chanter (Ch Barvae Brambling Boson x Barvae Pixie) was transferred to E Holbom and later transferred to N Robinson. Sleighland Cricket shown by FW Belschner was awarded 12 Baby Puppy in Group and 7 Baby Puppy in Show awards and Bitch Challenge RNA (1964) and also Opposite Sex in Group. 

Dunrory Caledonia was transferred in 1964 to J Kewley and this bitch laid the foundation for Mingus kennels. Oakway Rambler (Stanhurst Raleigh [Imp] x Oakway Gypsy) was transferred to G Mackay. Aranda Harvester, another consistent Group winner was transferred to J Blanchfield. Prefixes approved were Anaron (Ryan), Hedgelan (Jerrey) Mundaribba (Warburton) and Coler (Wells). 

Unfortunately records for 1965 and 1966 appear to be not available. However, we do know that AW Allan bought a stud dog and Mrs. M Powter's Anaron Mitzouko (Rosmar Triguye x Maple Tomboy) won the CCC Guineas Class at the Brisbane RNA in 1966. Mrs. E Holbom imported Lees Sagax Sorbay and Saroma Statesman (NSW) came up to Mr. E Walker and the Dawvine prefix was approved. More particulars maybe found in "Royal" catalogues. 

It appears from the records that in 1967 interstate transfers gave no State registrations. The following prefix Dalequest (Robertson), Ralevender (Chandler), Ronsun (Rubner), Glenwavell (Hatten), Mimar (Bow), Paulanda (Cronin), Bendawn (Smithbert), Gleedell (Boatfield), Michka (Girdler), Nedew (Wieden), Robelle (Mills), Nevlek (Ney), Bramble Bay (Ogilvie), Algeron (Archer), Coler (Wells), Tulmar (Allan), Neslien (Nielsen), Auralee (Davis), Bradlyn (McGregor) and Monduran (Walker). Bluebell Looloo Belle (Ch Rozavel Kiwi [Imp NZ] x Bluebell Loo Loo) arrived for F Jones. Slopesview Samson (Coleman Cavalier x Slopesview Lady) was transferred to P. Ryan. Saroma Statesman won Opposite Sex in Group and Opposite Sex Puppy in Show at the Brisbane RNA in 1967. 1967 also saw Mingus Merry Mischief transferred to E & M Cross and was the foundation of Melodylane Kennels. Balihai SundusAy (Serenata Marksman x Calvmet Antoinette) and Karella Honey Gold (Ch Ashdale Fortune x Ace Hi Sandra) were transferred to F Chapman. 

A further change in interstate registrations occurred in 1968 when we now have the State of registration but no parentage. Following transfers were effected Forradon Gambol[Imp UK to L Beileu's Dunrory Kennels, Magray Matchless to D Evans, Grovelands TheAtom (NSW) to C Bacon, Saroma Katy (NSW) to S Chesher, Sirdhana Caesar to M Sheridan, Saroma Senator (NSW) to K Archer, Saroma Velvet (NSW) to R Rubner, Bluebell Enchantress to F Walker, Sylvanlee Quibble to E Cross. Prefixes approved were Caveho (Hinsley), Merraweal (Smith), Barieal (Bolton), Rothmere (Bacon), Jollybrook (McPhail), Livesay (Powter), Darkfelt (Pearson), Jankay (Watson) Nairi(Stanton), Tarantelle (Hendry).

Prefixes approved in 1969 were Caneridge (Chapman), Bottace (Brett), Gilboa (Yarrow), Glenwavell (Hatton) Ridgeromp (Spencer), Narraton (Harris), Triguye (Johnson), Normglo (Rees), Stanhurst (Sweeney), Braken (Fewster), Donanjay (Chesher). Beagles transferred to Queensland included Scottholme Banshee toM Etwell, Bluebelle Ambassador to E & M Cross, Missenden Mystic Girl to K.Archer, Scottholme Black Ace to R Rubner, Huntingdale Minim to D Dobson and Mellowstone Minstrel to J Harkess.

1970 saw the registration of Ch Lees Pennon for stud purposes go through the records. Mingus Allegro (Ch Roosevelt Rambler x Mingus Manhallan Lass) went Best in Group and Champion Puppy at the 1970 Brisbane RNA. Allegro also won the State Bred Stakes that year plus numerous in Show and in Group awards. Transfers to Queensland included Braelea Lucky Star to Ryan/Elphinstone, Winrose Bindi to Grigg, Woomersley Linus (V) to Hogarth, Dillwynea Don Juan (NSW) to Pearson, Ch Burnlithe Gainsboro to Vomack, Clarion Chimes (WA) to F Walker. Scotholme Triumphant (NSW) to Toll. Prefixes approved in 1970 were Austand (Mansfield), Brahelson (Kearton), Georgefox (Scriha), Rusmic (Jackson), Boyan (Daley) and Karamar (Doolan). Change of prefixes were Allonhar from Harallon Harallon and Anarona from Anaron. The prefix of Johel (R Kruger) came to the fore, remembered by Ch Johel Romany Lad and Ch Johel Canterbury plus many more under this prefix.

Another now well known prefix to commence was Filnor with N Shipley breeding their first litter (Anaron The Trump x Bramble Bay Seeya). 

A number of early Beagle exhibitors were also involved in other breeds such as the prefix’ Robelle and Tarantelle (Afghan Hounds) Ronsun (Corgis), Sleighland (Samoyeds) and Bramble Bay (German Shepherds)