By Gary D. Nunn
Webster's New Collegiate: en cour age = transitive verb
25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, BUT let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
"The habit" referred to here, as indicated by the text, is the habit of "meeting together" and not the habit of "giving up". Although this has been twisted from it's clear meaning, it can only make sense that Christians had gotten into the habit of ‘meeting together'. The writer's purpose in writing the letter was to give them the courage to continue in the way they had begun. He didn't want them to ‘give up' getting together with one another in order to mutually strengthen their faith. The encouragement here (not "commandment" but "encouragement") was what many needed in order to continue IN CHRIST and not go back to the same system of law they'd just been delivered out of. Therefore, the habit they'd gotten into (meeting together) was so that they would encourage each other. This was very needful in view of the fast-approaching "Day" spoken of here. I personally believe that "the Day" refers to the day of judgement on the Jews at very end of "the last days" of The Jewish Age . The "remnant", i.e., spiritual Israel, Abraham's True Children, were persecuted severely by their fellow Jews [Jesus' words: John 15:20] and the Romans– and they would continue to be persecuted until the end (of those days) by "those who say they are Jews and are not" (Rev. 2:9). These were those same hard-liners who had crucified the Prince of Life.
The entire Hebrew letter was written to encourage ALL who had accepted and those who were still coming to JESUS. The Hebrew letter provided irrefutable proof to Hebrew converts that the Law and everything GOD had spoken through the ages was to point them to CHRIST. The parallels were shown clearly, the symbology was explained, the "mystery" was unveiled and ALL PROPHECY was being fulfilled before their eyes and in the lifetime of many. Many would be alive to see the finality of these "last days" (and the beginning of the Kingdom of God/Christ/Heaven that would last forever).
The encouragement was for them to NOT TURN BACK to THE LAW OF MOSES for their salvation but to hold on tightly to the "Law of Liberty" mentioned by James, the FREEDOM IN CHRIST spoken of by Paul, and the "free men" spoken of by Peter. Paul had said the same thing to the Roman Christians, saying, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE set me free from THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. [NIV]GOD did not issue more "commandments" for people to keep under the New Covenant - except to love one another (and so fulfill the Royal Law). Law Keepers will likely take a hard line by finding and interpreting the "laws" of the New Covenant order under Christ. These "laws" we will never be able to keep (any more than those under the Old Covenant could) and, therefore, the same "spirit of bondage and condemnation" must be the inevitable result! However, Peace Keepers will likely find the "peace" they seek and seek the "Liberty" found only under the New Covenant of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.
14 We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first.
It seems to me that if Hebrews 10:25 is a command that we all "must keep" or be doomed, then Hebrews 3:13 is no less a "directive" that we must keep-- or we could be condemned just as easily for not keeping. Do you see a difference? Could it be that our thinking and beliefs have been shaped by those "interpreters of the new covenant" who were trained and hired to teach truth? If Hebrews 10:25 is a "Sunday" commandment, then Hebrews 3:13 may as well be a "Daily" commandment. Where were the preachers on that one? You and I know they remain silent as the tomb!!!
There are many who do encourage daily those near and far. Some encourage in the work place, some by phone calls, others by on-line discussion groups, and many by email. Some encouragements are shared around the country or even around the world. The word of encouragement to and by believers is neither constrained to nor restricted by Sunday anymore. Thanks be to GOD the Father for the freedom and liberty we have in Christ Jesus!