By Neal Griffin

Romans 9:l6, "Therefore, it does not depend on what man wants or tries to do, it is the mercy of God." Proud man wants to be the author of his salvation. He wants to know what HE can do to earn it. The scriptures cry out over and over again: "It is of God (salvation-justification) not of man." See Matthew l9:26. It is not by law-keeping nor good works that salvation is accomplished. See Romans l:l6-l7, 2:28-29, 3:2l-26, 4:2-6, 4:l3, 4:2l-25, 5:9, and 5:l7. Righteousness is a gift, not something that is earned. Salvation is also a free gift. Ephesians 2:8-9. Proud man wants law righteousness. He wants to be deserving. See Romans 6:l4 and Philippians 3:6. But what does the Bible say about seeking "law" righteousness? It says "Ye are fallen from grace". Galatians 5:4. My hope is to show where and from what our motivation should be. We should be motivated by a new mind--a born again attitude--a changed heart, as one in whom Deity dwells. This should be the basis of our motivation for keeping law and doing good works. We should do these things out of gratitude and love for Jesus, and not out of a pharisaical response to a legal code. It is not a legal code that causes us to repent--it is the goodness of God. Romans 2:4. Jesus did not die to establish a new legal code through which we earn salvation. He died to save sinners. His blood cleanses us of sin. We are not cleansed by a legal code.

Then, what about baptism? Baptism is a ceremonial washing. It is the response of a pure heart to God's command. It is the submitting to a washing. It is the reenactment of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. It is the initiation into the Kingdom. It is commanded of all believers and, in my opinion, it is the first test of one's faith. But let me more directly apply this to my point: If we were baptized to earn our salvation, then I refer you to Galatians 5:4 again, "Ye are fallen from Grace".

Let us not be so proud that we cannot accept God's free gift of salvation. Let us not be so proud that we cannot give Him all the glory, honor, and credit for our salvation. Hallowed is the name of Jehovah our God. To Him be the praise. Amen.

Please think on these things. I believe them to be true to the Word.

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