By Neal Griffin

The baptismal regeneration folks have boxed themselves into a corner on several points. Whether they wish to deny it or not, "baptismal regeneration", accurately describes their position because, in their way of thinking, you are lost without it (water baptism) and saved only if you have it (water baptism). Their position is that the new birth (regeneration) occurs in water baptism. This being their position, "baptismal regeneration", accurately describes it, and the whole idea flies in the face of the fact that we are not saved by anything we have done. See Ephesians 2:8-9 and Titus 3:5.

The above noted persons try to dodge these two passages by claiming that water baptism is not a work of man. If "going down into the water" does not involve effort on the part of man their position would have some merit, but the term, "going", is a verb (an action word if you will), and it is absurd to claim that water baptism involves no effort on the part of man. Effort is involved both on the part of the one doing the baptizing and the one being baptized.

Another point where they box themselves in is that, when confronted with the fact that no effort on the part of man can save him, argue that faith is a work of man. Now, hold on a minute!

"Water baptism is not a work but faith is". A physical act is not a work but a mental concept (faith) is a work? Dear reader, you don’t need a degree in Theology to see the absurdity of such a position. I beg you to consider Ephesians 2:8-9. Therein it is clear that we are saved by "faith" and that such salvation is "not of works". This is too simple to be misunderstood. Faith is not a work. So claims Ephesians 2:8-9. So claims the Bible. Faith is a mental concept as are, "love", "hope", and "trust". It (faith) may be evidenced but evidences do not constitute faith. Faith is the "assurance of things hoped for–the proof of things not seen and the conviction of their reality". Mental concepts all. Hebrews 11:1. Abraham was counted righteous before he sacrificed Isaac and his sins did not annul his saving faith, and the same is true for us today. "We will be accepted too because of our faith. Romans 4:23-25.

We are made righteous by the declaration of God, by reason of our faith, and not by our efforts at obedience. Philippians 3:9. While there are passages calling for good works and obedience, there is not a single one to indicate that eternal life is accomplished by the efforts of man. In fact, Matthew 19:26 plainly states that salvation is "impossible" on the part of man. Salvation is not of works but of faith. We are not regenerated (born again) by reason of our own efforts. We are saved by action ( washing and renewal) of the Holy Spirit. It does not come by anything we do. Titus 3:5-8.

God never intended for His creation to save its self. Salvation is of God and there are well over a hundred passages attesting to this fact. Salvation is not of man. It is of God. We are saved by grace through our faith in God’s Son and not by any works we have done. Baptismal regeneration is a myth designed to substantiate a works oriented salvation.

I beg you to consider these things in light of the Word. Your servant in Him,

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