By Neal Griffin

"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free". John 8:32. When Jesus made this profound statement the men to whom it was spoken had little idea of its depth. There are three relevant questions generated by it.

First, what is the truth to which He was referring? They probably, like many religionists of our day, thought He was referring to an intellectual grasp of Biblical details. They most likely did not know that He was referring to Himself. Jesus said, "I am the truth----"( John 14:6), so I doubt they knew the Freeing Agent was the Person of Jesus and that knowing Him was the key to freedom.

Secondly, what did He mean by "know"? "Knowing", in the Biblical sense implies a very intimate relationship. Few at that time knew Jesus. Few believed in Him. The same is true today of many as far as intimacy with the Christ is involved. Some even refer to the idea as "charismatic" or "Pentecostal", but the fact of the matter is that no one without an intimate knowledge of Jesus can hope to inherit eternal life. 1'st Corinthians 6:17. To be a member of Christ’s body in the Spiritual sense is indeed intimate. Being "in" Him is essential. Jesus prayed for such intimacy.

Thirdly, what did He mean by being "free"---free from what? Several areas of freedom are suggested in various verses. Death is one of them. "The man who does what God wants lives forever". 1'st John 2:17. Free from the condemnation of sin is another. "Blessed is the man to whom God does not impute sin". Romans 4:8, and "--not counting their sins against them", 2'nd Corinthians 5:19. And, significantly, freedom from religion with all its rituals. James made a good point when he defined true religion as "caring for widows and orphans", thus removing it from the realm of ritualistic performances. When Jesus spoke to the woman at the well He put an end to ritualistic religious observances when He declared that New Covenant worship would be in spirit and in truth. And Paul reaffirmed this truth in Romans 12:1 where he defined true worship as the "offering of your bodies as living sacrifices".

Where does this leave the bowing down before statues, the worship of Mary, and weekly worship services? There is not a single Scriptural example of the first believers ever assembling for the purpose of conducting a worship service. Where does this leave the so-called Eucharist? Where does it leave infant and adult baptismal rites? The New Covenant did not usher in a new legal code whereby strict compliance would determine the righteousness of man, but rather it ushered in freedom---freedom based on the righteousness of Jesus. Jesus earned our righteousness. Philippians 3:9. It is free to us. He did the saving work. Ephesians 2:8-9. Salvation is indeed a free gift. God be praised!

Please consider these thoughts. I believe them to be in keeping with the Word.

Neal Griffin
10514 Bar X Trail
Helotes, Texas 78023

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