By Neal Griffin

In Romans l5:7 we read: "Accept one another, as Christ accepted you, to the glory of God." The opposite of this would read thusly: "Reject one another, not as Christ did, to the shame of God". Somewhere between us and our restoration forefathers we have been sidetracked. Somewhere in our application of hermeneutics we missed the boat. Somewhere in our application of "silence" and "inference" we manage to justify the wholesale rejection of God's redeemed.

For the moment the rejection happens to be in the areas of cups, instruments, and institutional aids. In the past the rejection happened to be in the areas of kneeling to pray, walking to the front with contributions, and fermented wine-to name a few-there are others. Perhaps we should not make fun of the Amish for being divisive over the use of iron or rubber tires. Their splits make about as much sense as ours. Pray that our self-righteous judgements don't come up to haunt us in the judgement!

Who is it that determines which issues are worthy of division at the moment? Who is it who suddenly, after years of peaceful harmony, decides that now is the time to divide over some incidental issue? Who is it who determines that an issue which was only incidental yesterday is now a "matter of faith"? Isn't it logical that the ones who make these decisions are the divisive ones? Consider what the Bible says about divisiveness. As you know, there are only three scriptural grounds for rejecting Christians: Moral turpitude; Denial of the Diety of Jesus; and DIVISIVENESS. Paul, by the Spirit, in Titus 3:l0, says to reject a divisive one after two admonitions. Yet, we heap unto ourselves divisive, paid, pulpit ministers. We screen them very carefully to be sure that they are in perfect agreement with our particular brand of orthodoxy. Shame on us. Now, I refer you to Galatians 5:l9-2l.where you can read for yourself what the Spirit says about the contempt that God has for the divisive spirit. He lumps divisiveness in the same category as witchcraft, idol worship, hatred, and drunken orgies. Is this clear enough? In truth it is too clear to be misunderstood. If we have been divisive we need to repent, because the Bible says (read it in Galatians 5:2l) that those guilty of such "SHALL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD". This is Bible talk. Do we believe the Bible? If so, let's do something about it! Let's start, "accepting one another, as Christ accepted us, to the glory of God". Romans l5:7.

Please think on these things. I believe them to be true to the Word.

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