By Neal Griffin
There is a fate as bad as being cursed, and that fate is to fall from grace. Paul said that the Galatians were both. That is to say, the Galatians who would change the Gospel message. Gala- tians 1:8-9 and 5:4. Their particular innovation was to add circumcision to God's entry require- ments into His kingdom. If this language is not strong enough to capture our attention nothing can. Where would we be without the grace of God? It is accurate to assume that we would be without the benefit of grace. "By grace ye are saved". Without it we are lost. It's that simple. We would have to have help to misunderstand this. To be accursed carries a similar connotation. The word here used is translated from the Greek word, "anathema", which has a more specialized meaning of being banned, excommunicated, or shunned as an unholy thing, according to THE REVELL BIBLE DICTIONARY. So, to add to the Gospel is a serious charge, too serious to be lightly regarded. God does not wish for any of His children to be lost. It is not a pleasure for Him to put a curse on any of them. He wills that all should be saved and He has gone to great lengths to warn us about changing His Gospel plan, and His plan is for salvation to be a free gift lest any man should brag. God's salvation is not based on human effort. Romans 9:l3. Salvation is a demonstration of His righteousness and not man's. In fact, on the part of man, salvation is impossible. Matthew 19:26. So, why would anyone wish to attach a man-made requirement to God's Gospel message of salvation?
How then, do we explain our own additions to God's entry requirements? Do we think that we are, somehow, immune from Paul's stinging rebuke? Do we think that the Jews could not make additions but we can? Do we think that circumcision is the only possible addition to the Gospel? Shouldn't we be convinced by Paul's strong language that ANY addition to the Gospel message results in falling from grace? Salvation is completely dependent upon believing the facts of the Gospel message and trusting in Jesus. Any man, any church, any synod, any conference, or any whatever who/which enlarges upon or subtracts from this basic message has become a lawmaker and judge, is teaching for doctrine the commandments of men, is accursed, and has fallen from grace. It doesn't matter what the innovation is, whether it relates to circumcision, cups, classes, institutions, or music, the result is the same. If it is attached to God's entry requirements into His kingdom the perpetrator is fallen from grace. He is accursed. This is strong language, I know, but it is Bible. Paul, directed by the Holy Spirit, said it. It is ours to believe.
If we are imposing anything as a condition of our fellowship that God did not impose as a condition of entry into His kingdom we need to withdraw it immediately. If we are imposing anything at all, in addition to the requirements of the Gospel, we need to quit it, and if we are allied with any denominated religious organization that does so, we need to try our very best to change it. But, if we cannot change it, we need to get out of it. It is a terrible thing to be accursed and fall from grace. God grant us the courage to rightly divide the Word of Truth in this matter.
Please think on these things. I believe them to be true to the Word.