By Neal Griffin

Binding? What is binding? We hear this question in connection with the work and worship of the church. It would be very much in order, before we consider this question, to determine what is in fact the "work" and "worship" of the disciples of Jesus.

Complicating the question is the fact that Paul referred to the Christians at any particular place as the "ecclesia". The King James translators used the English word, "church". It was not Paul, by the Spirit, who used the word, "church", which does not translate into koine Greek. The word, "church", has no koine Greek counterpart. This is easy to understand when we consider that many English words coined after the first century have no koine Greek counterparts. To name a few: "Helicopter"; "air-craft carrier"; "computer"; and "jet plane". These words do not translate to koine Greek because there were no such things during the first century. "Ecclesia" was a Greek word which had no religious connotation whatsoever. It conveyed the idea of an assembly or group and nothing more. In fact, it is the same word used in Acts l9 to describe an angry and confused mob of UNBELIEVERS. It was a people word and was never used to denote a corporate entity that is present when the people are not. When saints are assembled at the picnic grounds, it is the ecclesia which is assemble there. So, what is the point? The point is this: Whatever individual Christians do, as servants of God with His blessing, whether with other Christians or not, it is the ecclesia that is doing it. It is the work of the ecclesia that they are doing. Paul is not the one who introduced the idea of the "collectivity" having a different work than the individuals. This is the twisted idea of the world. It is of man entirely.

And, likewise, the worship of individual Christians constitutes the worship of the ecclesia. Individual Christians offer up their lives in service (worship) to God every moment that they live. Romans l2:1-2. This is the worship in spirit and truth to which Jesus refers in John 4:23. What goes on in an assembly of Christians is not the worship to which Jesus is referring in this passage. The New Testament does not ever refer to a "worship service" as we use the term. Worship takes place in the hearts and lives of individual Christians. Whatever individual Christians do in service to God, it is the ecclesia that is doing it. It is the worship of the ecclesia. It is the ecclesia engaging in worship. Christians living out their lives in service to God is the worship of the ecclesia. It is not the adhering to minute details of a legislated regimen to which many churches rigidly adhere in their official "corporate worship services".

So, it boils down to this: What laws are binding on Christians today? Here they are: In Galatians 5:l4, "The entire law is made complete in this one command: Love other people the same way you love yourself". And in Galatians 6:l5-l6, "It doesn't matter whether a person is circumcised or not. All that is important is being a new creation. Peace and mercy to the people who follow this rule-to God's Israel". And Jesus summed it up beautifully when asked to tell what was the most important commandment. He said to, "Love God with all your heart and your fellowman as yourself". Paul said, in Galatians 6:2, "Help carry each other's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ". These are the things which are binding on Chriastians today.

Please consider these thoughts. I believe them to be true to the Word.

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