By Neal Griffin
Damnable heresy is here defined as the schismatic condition that exists when a party is built upon the foundation of a false doctrine. The doctrine that certain Jews were teaching in Galatia is an example. They were imposing circumcision as an entry requirement into the Kingdom of God. Imposing man- made salvation requirements is teaching for doctrine the commandments of men. Jesus condemned it and Paul, by the Holy Spirit, declared that those who believe it "are fallen from grace". It is not my intention to bring a railing accusation against anyone who is so disposed, but rather I hope to expose them to the light of God's Word and let the power within that Word settle the issue.
There are several areas where sincere men have imposed their own entry requirements, but probably the most dangerous is the falsehood that God's plan of salvation is for man to achieve salvation by performing five sequential acts. Most preachers who subscribe to this doctrine pay lip service to Bible idea of "free" salvation. Most of them understand that salvation cannot be "achieved" by the effort of man, but their message does not support what they believe. They pound on the five points so long and hard that many are left with the definite impression that salvation can be gained by the performance of them. "Submit to these five points and you can walk out of this building a saved person". The request by the rich young ruler of Matthew 19:16 was for such a formula by which he could achieve his salvation. He would have been happy to respond to such a simple formula. After all, he had kept the law from his youth. If man can achieve salvation by complying with a five step procedure, shouldn't this have been the place to announce it? The question that pulpit ministers pose, "What must I do to be saved?", is just as erroneous as the question posed by the rich young ruler, "What good thing can I do to gain eternal life?". It starts off on the wrong foot. There is absolutely nothing that a man can do to achieve, earn, or merit his salvation. This is impossible with man. Read it for yourself in Matthew 19:26. This is the lesson that Jesus is teaching, but instead of going away sorrowful, as the rich young ruler did, many are missing the point and going away happy with the erroneous idea that God has a five step plan by which man can achieve salvation.
When Jesus confronted a group of self righteous Pharisees, who taught for doctrine the commandments of men, He proclaimed, "It will be horrible for you, teachers of the law and Pharisees. You hypocrites! You travel all over the world to make one convert. And when you convert him, you make him twice as much a child of hell as you are!" It is a very dangerous thing to impose for doctrine the commandments of men. Beware! It is damnable heresy to teach that man can achieve or earn salvation and build a schism around this false notion. God does not allow for salvation to be the result of anything that man does. It is possible only on the Part of God. Matthew 19:26. Anyone who adds requirements is "fallen from grace". Galatians 5:4. The only thing that can be earned by submitting to a five step procedure is membership in a denominated religious organization, and membership in such man made organizations is not sufficient to gain salvation. The blood of Jesus is the only thing that has power sufficient to earn salvation for any of us. There is no doubt that every redeemed one, written about in the book of Acts, heard, believed, repented, confessed, and submitted to baptism, but there is considerable doubt that any of them performed these five acts to achieve or earn salvation. Their motivation was not to earn salvation, but rather, they were motivated by pure hearts and gratitude. They were not puffed up with a self important desire to be worthy of salvation as was the rich young ruler. Our worthiness is solely confined to the blood of Jesus. If we are to be proud in anything let it be in the precious blood of Jesus. He is our only grounds for boasting.
Please consider these thoughts. I believe them to be in harmony with the Word.