Laura's Links

 This page is where I keep my favorite links! My resume is not up yet, but it will be when I start looking for a job again. The stuff you will find here are fun and interesting links. Science and science education links can be found on my science page.

My Family

On January 10, 1998, Peter and I got married in Walt Disney World. We have adopted two cats, Elly and Cleo. The rest of my family include my parents--Leo and Zinnia Lim--and my brother Leland. Mom and Dad live near Cedar Rapids, Iowa and are professors at Mt. Mercy College. Leland is an MD/PhD student at the University of Iowa. (If you click on Leland's name, you will get the homepage for his lab. He's in the front row, the third person from the left.)

About Me!

I went to Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts and majored in chemistry. (Another Billsville site is here.) After Williams, I went to the University of Chicago and earned an MS in physical chemistry. I then worked in a molecular biology lab affiliated with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute doing research on Type II Diabetes. Next, I went to the University of Iowa and earned a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) in science education and received certification to teach chemistry, physics, and physical science. I am currently working as an editor on a middle school physical science textbook for Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.

Cooking: Great recipe sites

Bread and Bread machine recipes
The Food Network--recipes featured on the cable cooking channel
Chocolate! Godiva or See's candies

Fun Sites

Can't spell? Have a tough decision to make? Try SpellWeb!
Ben and Jerry's: ice cream for hippies and yuppies.
Useless facts. The name says it all.
Close to Home comic strip. There are other comic strips at this site.
Beanie Mom: Check the current price of your Beanie Babies.
Send virtual flowers from the Virtual Florist or virtual cards from Blue Mountain.

Disney Sites

The official Disney World site
Unofficial Disney Wedding Guide: A great source if you are planning your own Disney wedding.
Unofficial WDW Information Guide: Good for planning any trip to Disney World

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