Thanks for visiting!

This page is basically an excuse for me to gossip about two of my favorite things, Tropical Fish and Snakes.  I don't claim to know everything there is to know about these two subjects but they are something that I find very interesting and enjoyable.  I have been keeping various tropical and saltwater fish for about twelve years and I have kept snakes for about the last three years.  Feel free to e-mail me with any questions, comments, or suggestions you may have about this page, like all of my websites, it is a work in progress.

The information contained in the fish and snake information pages is taken strictly from my own experiences.  This page is intended to encourage the proper care of reptiles and aquarium fish.  If you're interested in either subject I would suggest that you do further research in these areas before proceeding.  The images contained in the fish and snake photo pages are of my own animals.  If you have a picture that you would like to have posted on this page, e-mail it to me and I will create a special page for all the pictures received from friends. 


Don't forget to visit my other sites:

Cyberpup, Kobi and Murphy's Homepage Online home of our two Boston Terriers
The Great White Shark My White Shark conservation page

Links to other websites about Aquarium Fish and Snakes:

Fish Link Central Excellent site, tons of information here
FINS - Fish Information Service Another great aquarium information site
The FISHWEB of Charlotte N.C. Yet another aquarium information site HUGE Reptile & Amphibian site
The Pittsburgh Herpetological Society Our local herpetological society
Zoology Resource Guide Real nice zoology information site

This page was created by Rob Faulkner - Last updated 3/11/00