It's hard not to be a little biased when describing just what to expect from a Boston Terrier. Kobi and Murphy have proven to be excellent little companions. I have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions for those of you that are still deciding what breed of dog is right for you.
What is their general temperament?
Judging from the behavior of our two dogs and from the many people that I have talked to personally and online about Bostons, I would say that the breed has an excellent temperament overall. Although each dog is an individual and has special individual issues or quirks, Bostons are generally very stable easygoing dogs. For the most part they are very good with children and adults but are not opposed to being territorial and will definately let you know if someone is in the yard or at the door. Our dogs have always gotten along well with other dogs but will usually try to immediately establish dominance. This, I'm sure, varies with individual dogs but the general rule is that Bostons seem to be oblivious to the fact that they only weigh 20 pounds!
Are they hard to take care of?
In my experience as a dog owner, I have never seen a dog that takes less maintenance. Their coats are short, shed very little and are mainly clean and free of odor. We give our dogs a bath once a month, give them a good brush down after and clip their nails. We have found that bathing them more than once a month dries out their skin so after a romp in the mud in the middle of the month, we usually just rinse them down with warm water. They were very easy to housebreak and they listen very well to commands. It may be noted that having two Bostons has almost been easier than having one... Playmates are always nice for dogs with alot of energy as people seem to wear out faster than dogs!
Where do I get a Boston Terrier?
I would start by researching breeders in your area. The internet is an excellent source for breeder information. A good place to begin your research would be HERE
Please e-mail me with any questions that you might have about Boston Terriers.

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