Kobi & Murphy's guestbook

Thank you to all the beautiful human beans (lima beans, string beans, Boston beans) that took precious time out of their day to sign our guestbook.

Bruce and Gina Waldrop - 12/23/00 13:33:11
My Email:ginaray@airmail.net
City of residence: Rice near Corsicana Tx.
occupation: Sub Contractor (Carpentry)
favorite dog breed: Bostons of Course
favorite pet: Our Beloved Cody Joe
How did you find Cyberpup?: surfing the web
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Looks Bossy

Hello ,We Lost Our Boston Cody Joe to Distemper in early Dec We bought him at 6 weeks old ,7 years ago ,And when he was 8 weeks was diagnosed with parvo and My wife and I altenated around the clock for the\ree days and by the grace of GOD he survived it and he was like one of our kids for 7 wonderfull years,I think Bostons are the best kind of inside dog anyone could ever own,Weve also got a 8 month old male boston and a 1 1/2 year old female ,that were working very hard to save, All this because I didnt Get ours inside dogs vaccinated for the last few years and was the worst mistake I ever made,some people dont realize how qiuck a dog can die with this disease,were so lucky our other two didnt contact this disease. Anyway you have a wonderful web site . Goodbye ..........Bruce & Gina

Christie Steflik - 12/07/00 14:13:10
My Email:christie_b_steflik@groton.pfizer.com
City of residence: North Stonington, CT
occupation: Project Associate
favorite dog breed: Bichon & Rotty's
favorite pet: Mo my bichon, only pet
How did you find Cyberpup?: You
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Cute!

Great page Rob, and I didn't think it was cheesey.

Anna Borrero - 11/17/00 00:28:40
My URL:http://www.cartoonnetwork
My Email:jborrero80@hotmail.com
City of residence: Seaford
occupation: what is an occupation?
favorite dog breed: White Siberian Husky
favorite pet: Pups
How did you find Cyberpup?: camershel
Is Kobi cute or homely?: cute

How do you get to--- (I saw this on an opt. online camershal, )well this girl went to cyberpups website and scared a dog away in her yard by play th sound of a dog barking. How do you get there?

Bad Bunny - 11/05/00 09:28:23
My URL:http://www.badbunnny.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

david - 10/21/00 07:19:26
My Email:okpaperboy@oknet1.net
City of residence: oktaha, oklahoma
occupation: mill worker
favorite dog breed: boston terrier
favorite pet: Bubba, boston terrier Muffin, Chihuahua Sunshine, mixed breed
How did you find Cyberpup?: looking for info on Boston Terriers
Is Kobi cute or homely?: cute as only a B.T. can be

I have had Bostons as pets for years now and they are a great breed of dog. My daughters are crazy about them also. Great disposition and very intelligent. Cool web site!

Mickey - 08/10/00 01:43:04
My URL:/mickeychihuahua
My Email:mickeychihuahua@yahoo.com
favorite dog breed: All Dogs Are Wonderful!
favorite pet: My Chihuahua Mickey
How did you find Cyberpup?: webring
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Very Very Cute

What cuties!!! Love the page!

Catwoman - 07/30/00 06:15:30
favorite dog breed: Chow Chow
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Adorable

Your dogs are very cute! If anyone likes virtual pets, click on the banner below! It's FREE and FUN!!!

Lori Wilson - 05/31/00 21:48:11
My Email:lorieawilson@yahoo.com
City of residence: Austin
occupation: student
favorite dog breed: Boston Terrier
favorite pet: dog
How did you find Cyberpup?: by searching the net
Is Kobi cute or homely?: cute


Jenny Wearly - 04/03/00 08:44:17
My URL:http://fly.to/jennymarie
My Email:jwearly@bgnet.bgsu.edu
City of residence: Bowling Green, OH
occupation: Student
favorite dog breed: Retrievers!
favorite pet: Apollo, my "ex" ball python =<
How did you find Cyberpup?: Geocities search.
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Adorable...

Does Kobi still have that obsession with ears? Glad I found your site.

Mom and Dad - 02/29/00 16:56:30
My Email:You know it!
City of residence: Stuart, FL
occupation: factory freak
favorite dog breed: mutt
favorite pet: Boomer
How did you find Cyberpup?: You told us about it
Is Kobi cute or homely?: downright ugly

Nice site, Rob. It is humorous and delightful. We send our love, Mom & Dad

Ginny - 02/26/00 01:40:50
My Email:CareBear7388@AOL.com
occupation: school :( :)
favorite dog breed: all of them
favorite pet: all of them
How did you find Cyberpup?: Direct hit search engine
Is Kobi cute or homely?: CUTE !

i thought it was going to be something different , but it was still cute !

Julia and Rod - 01/18/00 15:40:36
My Email:hue1723@netzero.net
City of residence: San Antonio Texas
occupation: USAF
favorite dog breed: Boston terrier
favorite pet: Brandy, our boston
How did you find Cyberpup?: surfing the net
Is Kobi cute or homely?: cute!


Wanda - 01/14/00 00:56:41
My Email:wandladi@aol.com
City of residence: Illinois
occupation: Homemaker
favorite dog breed: Boston Terrier
favorite pet: Boston Terrier
How did you find Cyberpup?: Surfing for bt sites
Is Kobi cute or homely?: ADORABLE !

Thank You for letting me visit . I have two neutered boston boys; Waldo and Ernie. Love them sooo much ! I hope in a few years we will beable to adopt another puppy boy. One can never have too many bostons you know. Hee!

Paula Lobell - 01/03/00 14:04:07
My Email:preciouslady77@hotmail.com
City of residence: Gonzales, Louisiana
occupation: College Nursing Student
favorite dog breed: Boston Terriers
favorite pet: dogs
How did you find Cyberpup?: surfing
Is Kobi cute or homely?: cute


Kathy (Jenny & Carleys' Mom) - 12/29/99 14:36:19
My Email:bostnluv@aol.com
City of residence: Kankakee
occupation: Unit secretary (Pediatrics)
favorite dog breed: Boston
favorite pet: my babies
How did you find Cyberpup?: surfing
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Kobi is absolutely adorable

Thank you for taking the time to share Kobi and Murphy. I am from Pittsburgh originally and really miss the city. So where I sit, you are really lucky. You get to live in Pittsburgh and you have Bostons. What a great life!!!!! Don't you just love to kiss the Bostons right in thier little faces? My husband freaks when I kiss the dogs. Thanks again

Rodney - 11/13/99 16:28:53
My Email:rpward@txsys.net
City of residence: Childress
occupation: supervisor
favorite dog breed: Boston Terriers
How did you find Cyberpup?: browsing
Is Kobi cute or homely?: cute

Loved your web page. We have 2 bostons and couldn't live without them. what joy they bring to our life.

Rodney - 11/13/99 16:27:19
My Email:rpward@txsys.net
City of residence: Childress
occupation: supervisor
favorite dog breed: Boston Terriers


Rodney - 11/13/99 16:24:35


Rodney - 11/13/99 16:24:34


- 11/02/99 03:19:24
My Email:tjguy@juno.com
City of residence: New Windsor, NY
occupation: self
favorite dog breed: Boston
How did you find Cyberpup?: yahoo

We are currently looking for a Boston as we lost our cookie last spring. Any leads? Tom Johnson

Amy Adkins - 09/13/99 23:10:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl3/amy1/
My Email:amy_adkins@hotmail.com
City of residence: Panama City, Florida
favorite dog breed: Boston Terriers
favorite pet: all of my Bostons
How did you find Cyberpup?: friends
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Absolutely Adorable

I really enjoyed your homepage and pictures. Please feel free to come and visit my homepage. And while you're there don't forget to look at my Boston Terriers.

Fido15 - 07/05/99 01:55:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/5419/Welcome.html
My Email:fido800@dog.com
occupation: Cartoonist
favorite dog breed: SaintBernard
favorite pet: Dog
How did you find Cyberpup?: WebRing
Is Kobi cute or homely?: oh yes, definetly, hee hee hee

WOOOOF! Hey, this is a grrreat page.. I loved your use of Graphics and pictures. Please visit my page if ya get the time.

WOOF! I'm a 'Saint' Get it?
-Queen Fido the Grrrreat (July 4th '99)

Terri - 06/16/99 21:00:45
My Email:FanOfGStr8@aol.com
City of residence: Denham Springs LA
occupation: Mom and sub. teacher
favorite dog breed: Boston Terriers
favorite pet: My Boston, Phoebe
How did you find Cyberpup?: Geocities member search
Is Kobi cute or homely?: CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoyed your web site! We have a 2 year old Boston named Phoebe. She rules the house!! I am sending a photo if you woul like to add her to your site. Terri

Elfangor - 05/27/99 08:48:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/5300/
City of residence: Hong Kong
occupation: student
favorite dog breed: border collie, golden retriever

cool site!

Cathy Campbell - 04/30/99 20:00:12
My Email:cac18@netscape.net
City of residence: New Kensington
occupation: Receptionist
favorite dog breed: Boston, Pug
favorite pet: my three cats
How did you find Cyberpup?: yahoo search
Is Kobi cute or homely?: very cute:)


Billy Hone - 04/18/99 13:56:13


Cindi Krage - 04/06/99 18:50:52
My Email:
City of residence: Savannah Tn.
occupation: own jeep repair business
favorite dog breed: Boston Terror !
favorite pet: All 3 of my Bostons
How did you find Cyberpup?: Surfing the net
Is Kobi cute or homely?: adorable!

I have owned Bostons all my life. I am 41 now and I can't remember a time when I didn't have a Boston. At one time I had 6! I loved them all. Now I have 3, Tugger, Casey and Busy Lizzie. I'd take more if I could talk my husband into it. But 3 of them and of us in one bed is enough. My little dogs are the heart and soul of me. I couldn't have children, so they ARE my children. There isn't a day that goes by that they don't make us laugh. I cherish every minute we have with them. I've been through the loss s and the births. The toys that clutter my livingroom every day and the snores that keep me up at night. I wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world. I hope you enjoy your Bostons as much as I have. They are by far the best breed ever!! The next time you give them a sock, put a tennis ball in it then tie off the end in a knot! They love it. They also love plastic butter dishes! Loved your pictures! CINDI KRAGE

Doogie - 01/16/99 00:45:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/petsburgh/1095
My Email:cedilts@webtv.net
City of residence: Charleston, SC
occupation: Garbage Disposal
favorite dog breed: Boston Terrier
favorite pet: Dixie and Geordi
How did you find Cyberpup?: Kobi signed my Guestbook
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Tooo Cute!

Kobi I liked your website. Going to save it to my favorites page and add it as a link to mine. Thanks for signing my guestbook too.

Sid the Kid - 01/03/99 18:21:39
My Email:sidcam@utahlinx.com
City of residence: Garland, Utah
occupation: Retired machinst
favorite dog breed: Bostons, of Course
favorite pet: Muttley and Preciou
How did you find Cyberpup?: Friends
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Absolutely Cute

Loved your Website, especially the WallPaper. Really nice pictures of your BTs. Really good looking dogs. Thank you for sharing.

Janna Chrsitophersen - 12/22/98 18:10:48
City of residence: Buhl
occupation: Student
favorite dog breed: Boston Terrier
favorite pet: Dog
How did you find Cyberpup?: I was researching Boston Terriers
Is Kobi cute or homely?: cute

I love Bostons and this website was cute, entertaining, and educational

judy zahas - 12/13/98 18:00:12
My URL:http://web.a-znet.com/cantrip
My Email:cantrip@a-znet.com
City of residence: Cortland,NY
favorite dog breed: Boston Terrier
favorite pet: non better then the BT
How did you find Cyberpup?: a friend
Is Kobi cute or homely?: cute

Very nice pages. I really like the way you have it set up.

- 12/04/98 23:25:32


Gerry - 11/19/98 02:09:24
My Email:Gerald_Ostermiller@intersolv.com
City of residence: Colorado Springs CO
occupation: Software Testing
favorite dog breed: Boston
favorite pet: Boston
How did you find Cyberpup?: word of mouth
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Cute

Very Nice Carpe! I like the photos also!

Pebbs - 11/14/98 15:06:07
My URL:http://www.geocities/com/Petsburgh/5736
My Email:Pebbles-1@worldnet.att.net
City of residence: Ocala
favorite dog breed: Boston Terrier of course
favorite pet: Snorts and Bruzer
How did you find Cyberpup?: BIC Buddy Board
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Cute

Great Page. Just starting mine. First time doing homepage and slowly learning.. I have two BT's. Snorts and Bruzer..

cocoa - 09/14/98 17:17:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/cocoa2
My Email:cocoa2@angelfire.com
City of residence: OHio
occupation: none
favorite dog breed: poodle
favorite pet: my dog
How did you find Cyberpup?: webring
Is Kobi cute or homely?: very very cute

Kobi: Hi there! you have a wonderful web page. And you are so very very cute. we enjoyed our visit! Hope you stop by to visit with us sometime Keep up the great work. :) Cocoa and Mom

Michele - 08/28/98 22:52:54
My URL:http://members.aol.com/mythreesnz/index.html
My Email:mythreesnz@aol.com
favorite dog breed: Boston Terrier
How did you find Cyberpup?: e-mail note
Is Kobi cute or homely?: cute

Kobi is an adorable Boston Terrier. You've done a great job on her page

Austin - 08/09/98 05:08:31
My URL:http://home.mci2000.com/%7En5mpa@mci2000.com/
My Email:click on banner
City of residence: Boston, Mass
occupation: I play all day
favorite dog breed: Fox Terror
favorite pet: Dog
How did you find Cyberpup?: link
Is Kobi cute or homely?: cute

Nice page........come see me sometime.

Bertie - 07/15/98 16:01:09
My URL:http://www.dancris.com/~bertieh
My Email:bertieh@dancris.com
City of residence: Chandler
favorite dog breed: Boston Terrier
favorite pet: All Seven of them!!
How did you find Cyberpup?: email note
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Totally adorable!!

Great pictures!!

Joan - 07/13/98 15:18:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/7128
My Email:jsnovak@facstaff.wisc.edu
City of residence: DeForest, WI
occupation: respitory equipment tech
favorite dog breed: yorkie
favorite pet: my dog
How did you find Cyberpup?: Cool Mutt Club
Is Kobi cute or homely?: definetely cute!

My first yorkie felt obligated to attack the vaccuum at all costs, even in it's den (closet) to the point where he was damaging it and had to be put in a different room. My present yorkie prefers to keep as far away as possible

allison - 07/01/98 19:18:44
My URL:http://www.execpc.com/~gallipea/
My Email:allison-g@rocketmail.com
City of residence: Milwaukee, WI
favorite dog breed: Boston Terrier, of course!
favorite pet: my Zoe
How did you find Cyberpup?: bostons in common
Is Kobi cute or homely?: adorable!

I love the pictures! #7 made me laugh out loud!

Julie E. - 07/01/98 18:38:48
My Email:evansjulie@hotmail.com
City of residence: Marissa, IL
occupation: office manager
favorite dog breed: BOSTON TERRIERS -- what else is there?
favorite pet: Tee Jay my boston
How did you find Cyberpup?: Bostons In Common
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Absolutly Adoreable

Kobi is so precious. Tee Jay, my bt, is 32lbs. So Kobi looks so little. Love the swimming pics. Tee Jay loves to swim too. You have a wonderful page. Julie and Tee Jay

Laughing - 06/30/98 23:38:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/4662/
My Email:guesswho@oregoncoast.com
favorite dog breed: I love them all no favorites!
favorite pet: we have so many and I can't pick just one!
How did you find Cyberpup?: From Tobi's paw print in my GB!
Is Kobi cute or homely?: He is adorable! :)

Hi Koby, Thank-you for signing my GB so that I could come and visit your wonderful site. I love pictures, you know. (Did you sense that in my site?) I hope you enjoy the donut I dropped on the floor while visiting you. Oh, and tell your humans that they did a reat job, too, K? See ya Kobi, *scratching ears* From, Laughing at

Lexy and Alan - 06/30/98 22:52:52
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~plynkmac/
My Email:Plynkmac@earthlink.net
City of residence: Clifton, NJ
occupation: Prepress Mac Operator
favorite dog breed: Mut
favorite pet: There's not enough room!
How did you find Cyberpup?: Answered your message in our GB!
Is Kobi cute or homely?: yes!

Since you've already been to Lexy's home page, visit my other site. And remember what "dog" is spelled backwards!

Julie Meyer - 06/30/98 16:22:46
City of residence: Vancouver, WA
occupation: Administrative
favorite dog breed: Bostons
favorite pet: Buster!
How did you find Cyberpup?: thru Bostom Commons
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Her ears are great! Makes her cute.

Great web page. Wonderful links. Good job!

charlene guier - 06/30/98 05:18:50
My Email:cguier@compuserve.com
City of residence: ponca city
occupation: customer service
favorite dog breed: bostons-of course!
favorite pet: sparky my b.t
How did you find Cyberpup?: surfed in-bostons in common site
Is Kobi cute or homely?: i think she is cute

kobi is cute, i bet my sparky boy would dig her out.

LucyD (Rita - 06/30/98 04:40:42
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/cjmahlum/lucy.htm
My Email:rdarling@pacificcoast.net
City of residence: Canada
occupation: Artist
favorite dog breed: What Else? Boston
favorite pet: ditto
How did you find Cyberpup?: Bost. in common
Is Kobi cute or homely?: both

Kobi you are beautiful. We'd love to have you come and visit our site. Chuck Genson's site is wonderful too - http://home1.gte.net/homes Lucy has a page http://home1.gte.net/2niko/lucykid.htm My page URL is shown above.

penny Merr - 06/30/98 01:27:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5913
My Email:penny33@webtv.net
City of residence: Duncannon Pa
favorite dog breed: Bostons,bull terriers
favorite pet: all
How did you find Cyberpup?: surfed
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Really cute

Great page.will be voting for you Let all your Bt friends at BIC know when contest begins.If you'd like stop by my place and pick up my award and sign my Boston Book in the Boston links section too ~Penny~

Emmitt - 06/26/98 23:38:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/estates/1925
My Email:manthl30@thesurf.com
City of residence: Fond du Lac, WI
occupation: guard our house from unfriendly dogs
favorite dog breed: I'm a yorkie, their the best!
favorite pet: humans
How did you find Cyberpup?: you signed my guestbook
Is Kobi cute or homely?: cute

Hi Kobi1 Thanks for signing my guestbook! Be sure to check your e-mail, I told mom to send you my psychodog award!! Loved your pictures!!! You are so cute!

Dave - 06/26/98 04:39:45
My Email:CVAN40@prodigy.net
City of residence: Syracuse
occupation: Baby sitter
favorite dog breed: Bulldog
favorite pet: Petunia the Tarantula
How did you find Cyberpup?: Refered
Is Kobi cute or homely?: She's quite the babe

Enjoyed the visit,will be checking back again.

Dave - 06/24/98 04:29:05
My URL:http://www.likeIhaveone.com
My Email:Warholak@aol.com
City of residence: Don't live in a city - it's a township, I think......
occupation: What?
favorite dog breed: Dalmation-Labs :)
favorite pet: Kelly the Beast
How did you find Cyberpup?: Sister
Is Kobi cute or homely?: Beauty is in the eye of the Beer-holder.....

Love that rotating picture cube ;)

hawk - 06/24/98 02:00:04
My URL:http://www.gac.com/search
My Email:dhawkins@gac.com
City of residence: moon
occupation: earth watcher
favorite dog breed: blond
favorite pet: ak47
How did you find Cyberpup?: a little bird
Is Kobi cute or homely?: cool


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