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Amanda's Current Events
This page is all about me, Amanda! No pics, you can see that everywhere else. This is just me, me, and more about me! Hope you enjoy!!!

Last updated August 20, 2001

My favorite color: green
My favorite tv show: Blues Clues or Dragon Tales
My favorite movie: Blues Musical Movie or Snow White
My favorite book: Not sure, love MANY.
Favorite time of year: Fall for the festivals, fairs, and of course--trick o' treating!
My favorite food: mac n' cheese
My favorite clothes: jeans and sweater/sweatshirt
My favorite accessory: boots and umbrella!
My LEAST fave toy: dolls, though I'm getting more used to them
My LEAST fave food: broccoli
My LEAST fave clothes: dresses
My LEAST fave accessory: hair things: ponytails and barrettes

I like to make friends wherever I go. I may not talk right away but like my mom, once I start, there's no stopping me. Mommy says I talk from the time I wake till the time I go to sleep. My favorite question to ask is "But why/why not?" I know how to make numerous faces from grumpy, to more complicated ones. My favorite thing to tell my Mom right now is that "That's not fair!" I can dance, I can sing, I can whistle, I can memorize NUMEROUS books, I know at least 5 prayers by heart, I can climb, jump, and throw tantrums (heheh). 

Mommy is going to homeschool me for preschool this year and next. We'll see after that if I go to public school or not.

This summer we had lots of fun! We went to Niagara Falls, Canada in May--Mommy, Daddy, and I had the BEST time together. Later that month Mommy and I went with Uncle David and Aunt Mechele to the Philadelphia Zoo. Again it was a GREAT time!!

In July we went to fireworks with Uncle Dave and Aunt Mechele on Mommy's birthday. That same day I also got to visit with all my great grandparents.

I went to my cousin Sara's sweet 16 birthday party, complete with DJ and swimming pool! Everyone there had a lot of fun.

We went to Hickory Run with Uncle Dave and Aunt Mechele and I got to play on the beach and swim in the COLD water.

Daddy took us to Knoebels in August and for the first time in years I got over my ride phobia. I even went on a car ride ALL by MYSELF. It was a great day!!!

Now we're waiting for my little brother to come. Shouldn't be much longer now!!