Write to the following horse magazines, tack stores, and catalogs asking them not to advertise or sell Quest dewormer. Quest is manufactured by Fort Dodge, a subsidiary of American Home Products. AHP is the parent company of Wyeth-Ayerst, the manufacturer of Premarin. Any purchase of an AHP product is tacit approval of their abuse and killing of horses. If you know of any others, please send them in. If your tack store, catalog, or magazine doesn't have e-mail, please call them to voice your concerns. Ask them to advertise their unwillingness to support the Premarin industry.
Once it's copied, you can re-paste it over and over.
Please do not sell or advertise Quest dewormer. Quest is manufactured by Fort Dodge, a subsidiary of American Home Products. AHP is the parent company of Wyeth-Ayerst, the manufacturer of Premarin. The Premarin industry is responsible for the abuse of 75,000 horses and the deaths of 60,000 horses a year. Any purchase of an AHP product is tacit approval of their abuse and killing of horses. Proudly display your unwillingness to support the Premarin industry. Thank you.
Ralph Lauren, the designer who has associated himself with horses for years, has a new line which includes boots
made out of "PONY SKIN", cow hide dressed up to look like horse. If you feel this is tacky and insensitive, write to every magazine that runs Ralph Lauren ads, every
catalog that carries his lines, and to the newspapers, to announce a boycott
of his products.
You can reach the programs of ABC News (20/20, PrimeTime Live, etc)here.
Dressage Today
Ride! Magazine in California
California Horsetrader
America's Cutter
Arabian Horse World
Farrier's Association
Horsepower Magazine
American Livestock Supply
Horsemen's General Store
State Line Tack Stores and, Wiese Equine Supply, 1-800-869-4373
are both part of PetsMart Corp.
Big D's Tack & Vet Supplies, 1-800-321-2142
Long Riders Gear
Cabaline Saddle Shop, Pt. Reyes Station
Christensen's, Cupertino and Loomis
Here's Christensen's response to the above message (Aug.8/98 1:50pm): Santa Rosa Saddlery, Santa Rosa
Saddle and Leather Shop, Cedar Rapids, IA
"You forgot don't sell lead ropes because they use cotton & thus abuse plants.
Also don't forget brass snaps because mining is bad for native peruvian pasos.
Please don't buy breeches made by Kathy Lee Giffords Children, and last but
not least avoid bits made with Chinese prison labor.
Kill them all, let god sort it out. Get a life"
Offutt's, Penngrove
Dominion Saddlery, Burbank
King's Western Wear, Studio City
Country Supply, Ottumwa, IA
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