Well the first thing you see when you turn up the drive is our home...
It is still basically what a Soldier Settlement home was like, but with a couple of rooms added on.

Just be careful of Dusty as you come up the drive.... she doesn't bite, but is our working dog.
Please slow down as we don't want you to run over her (that fate killed her mother "Red") and you are likely to find children running around or riding bikes!

Okay well behind the house we have numerous sheds ... don't all farms!!!
Guess the main one for us is the Woolshed ... again this is originally Soldier Settlement. It was the first one built in the area and was the "Dumping Shed" for all the supplies when they arrived monthly in the early days!

The tank to the left doesn't hold much water now ... is full of little rust holes! The platform out the front was the original front door and loading ramp. When we built in the skillion and made that part of the shed many years ago, the door is now rarely used!

To the left you will see the old spray dip ... oh we were "Up with the Jones" when dad got this many years ago, and it was so much easier than the old plunge dip! (Less likely for you to go for that unwanted swim!)
This is not used now, as when the sheep are shorn we backline them for lice treatment.

Well back around the other side of the shed, and you are standing in the sheep yards. These have been altered over the years, many temporary designs tried, and it is one of those still there!
Alot of the action happens inside, so lets have a look!

Well this is the wool room from the door. Over to the left you will see the grinder! A deadly little machine if the discs arn't put on right, but definately needed for the shearers to grind their "Jewellery", the Combs and Cutters that they use for shearing the sheep.
To the right is the Press, for pressing the wool into bales. This is a Electric Twin Box, certainly not as flash as all the self pinning ones now, but hell it still does a good job! The tin on the centre post holds the Bale Fasterners. (See Baby formula tins are handy for something!)
As you can see there is still wool around from when we were Shearing a few weeks ago!

Well this give you an idea of the raised board. We actually adapted it years ago, and where you are standing now use to be the old count out pens!
Another claim to fame ... it was the first raised board in the area, and the joke at the time was that the shearers would have to join the actors union as they were up on stage!
We are a two stand shed, catching pens are the doors on the left of the downtubes, with the count out pens to the right. All the sheep pens are behind and to the left of the shearers.
Where you are standing now is the wool room, and you would probably be right near the table, so watch out when that next fleece is thrown!

Behind the back of the house and you find a few old bits of machinery.

Well this old girl was the Harvestor that dad used in the early days. Isn't she a beauty!
These days we put all the cropping in on shares, so we do not need the machinery.

Wow what a wide comb ... all of 8 feet wide, and arn't you glad you arn't the horse pulling it!
To the left in the background is the Woolshed and behind is the Machinery Shed.