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Dad's Army Unit
Associated Stuff


Dad's Army Unit
& Associated Stuff

Soldier Settlement - the who, what and where?

Ditties for you to read

Send a CooEE!!

Ruffus Page

I am very proud of the history of my Fathers Army Unit, as I am indeed grateful for all the men and women whom over the years have served with the Armed Forces.
I hope that through these pages I will be able to share some of my pride and gratitude with you.

2/6 Cavalry Commando Regiment

The Dawn Service
- It's Origin
Anzac Day
- April 25th
Anzac Requiem
On this day above all days .....
For the Fallen
the full poem which contains "The Ode"
Anzac Day
a though
All The Bloomin Way
I saw a kid marching ....
The Anzacs
My father taught us not to fight ....

This ANZACS site
owned by Ruth

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In memory of our "Prisoners of War" and those "Missing in Action"

Thank you Camomile for letting me use this beautiful graphic.