Dad's Army Unit & Associated Stuff
Soldier Settlement - the who, what and where?
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Ruffus Page
Why "Westgreys" ....... well the house is west of Greys creek ..... simple really.
We are not one of the large properties that you read about, nor are we Burke street farmers (the term used for those who work in the city and buy a farm for a tax dodge).
is a family farm, on which we live and work.
The property originally belonged to my father who was classed as a "Soldier Settler" - former Service men who after World War II were given the opportunity to farm within selected communities.
We did run sheep (
Corriedales being the breed), which are dual purpose and provide wool and meat, however with the very dry season that we experienced the past few years, and the
fact that I ran out of all water early 2000, I had to make the very hard decision of selling all my stock.
We always did some cropping (usually oats), but this year most of the farm is under crops - oats, wheat and canola.
We were all encouraged a few years ago when "life was getting tougher" to diversity, many went into other types of animal farming - emus, lamas, ostriches, etc.
We bought a Lucas Portable Sawmill. This enabled us to cut and mill timber on site. This has grown and as well as milling we also cut and sell firewood and have recently purchased a SuperAxe Woodsplitter.