A collection of Family Trees
"Why waste your time and money looking up your family tree?
Just go into politics and your opponents will do it for you!" -- Mark Twain
Home Pages - Frio County Genealogy
Do you have a "genealogy" home page that has a Frio County connection? If so, submit your home page URL address to us via e-mail and we will post it to this site for others to see. kickhome@aol.com
Ancestors of Delbert Leo Forrest (mostly Atascosa & Frio Counties)
Joseph W. Gardner Descendants (Frio, Atascosa and surrounding Counties)
Robert & Nora Black's South Texas Genealogy
Treviño-Paiz-Ramirez South Texas Genealogy (Frio, Nueces, and Bexar Counties)
Roy & Ann Shoemake Bowman Genealogy (Frio, Atascosa & Medina Counties)
John & Maryann Hawley's Genealogy (Frio County GenWeb Coordinator's Home Page)
Descendants of James George (Frio and Atascosa Counties)
John Weir Genealogy (Frio, Bexar, Bastrop & Fayette Counties)
Alaniz - Treviño Genealogy Home Page (Frio, Atascosa and Bexar Counties)
Owings Genealogy (Frio County)
Wolfe Genealogy (Frio County)
Rick Treviño's Genealogy Page (Treviño-Peña-Medina) (Frio County to Alexandria, VA)

A special "thank you" is conveyed to Ann & Roy Bowman, Tom Graham, Linda Howard, and Ann & Charles Sadler for their census and cemetery data. Their contributions have helped make this site a better research source as attested to by the numerous favorable comments I have received via E-mail and guest book comments. In addition, it has helped the Frio County GenWeb Site win the County of the Month Award for May 2000!
Have you ever thought about adopting a Frio County cemetery? There are still several public and private cemeteries in Frio County that have not been inventoried. Perhaps it's a small cemetery, with no more than 10-20 graves, Or maybe it's a little larger. It may be old; it may be unkempt. But, it contains graves of our ancestors, and we'd love to know who they are.
Spend a morning in that cemetery. Jot down the names and dates of every tombstone you can read. When you get home you can send me the list via "snail-mail," or e-mail. This type project can be fun, rewarding, and good exercise. More importantly, it will be very helpful to others who live too far away to visit Frio County. If you are interested in helping us out please contact us at Frio County, TX Gen Web Coordinator.
We would like to establish a "Photo Gallery" of old time Frio County photos. By old I mean from 1871 to about 1940. If you have any old time photos (historical, family, or homestead) that you would like to share with Frio County GenWeb Site visitors, please let us know. We know it will be appreciated by all that visit this site.
We hope you have enjoyed your visit. Please sign our guest book before leaving so we will know you visited. Thank You!

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Miscellaneous Comments
Interested in obtaining booklets containing information about Frio County History and Families? These booklets could be helpful to those of you who are descendants of families that lived in Frio County long ago, but live too far away to access this information at the local Pearsall library. The first booklet is titled "Frio County, Texas - A History" (148 pages), cost $16.00 (plus shipping costs), and contains mostly "family" history. The second booklet is titled "Historic Frio County, 1871-1971" (80 pages), cost $13.00. (plus shipping costs), and contains mostly County history. Check the following index to see the families mentioned in the $16.00 book. (Index A - L) (Index M - Z). If interested e-mail the Pearsall Chamber of Commerce at: info@pearsalltexas.com. The Chamber of Commerce phone number is: (830) 334-9414.
If you are interested in obtaining the book "From Rattlesnakes to Road Agents: Rough Times on the Frio," click here.
If you should come across a "link" that does not work please let me know so I can fix the problem. Thank you.
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