
David Luck - 12/24/00 04:02:34
My Email:wwsource@midrivers.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Scouting

Nice page. Good info on BP.

Enid - 12/09/00 23:05:26
My Email:enidhunt@datafast.com.au


Xanthe Holliday - 11/17/00 13:42:25
My Email:xanchan@hotmail.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Guider and Venture Scout in UK

This was a great site. I was just wondering where in Australia you are based. I'm coming to Australia next July and am looking for Guiding or Scouting people to meet up with. Would love to hear from you, or anyone living in Australia, New Zealand or Hong ong who would like a visit.

kirsty - 11/11/00 14:08:02
My Email:kroberts2000@homestead.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Guiding

Ace You have helped a bomb with my B.P trefoil

arlene - 11/09/00 08:25:12
My Email:dayhome1@telus.net
Guiding/Scouting?: guiding/canada

looking for someone to trade badges in australia with for my brownies. if interested please contact at above email. interesting site bye

Kathy Hart - 11/08/00 22:44:30


Bad Bunny - 11/05/00 08:58:47
My URL:http://www.badbunnny.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

Judy Syring - 11/05/00 06:42:40
My Email:rsyring@juno.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Girl Scout- USA - Houston, TX

Great information.Thank you.

Judy Syring - 11/05/00 06:26:16
My Email:rsyring@juno.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Girl Scout


Jenny Cummings - 10/21/00 12:50:45
My Email:jenny.cummings@lycos.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Guiding - Olave Program - Victoria

Dear Kinta, I must say, you have an excellent site. I've done the rounds of many of the sites, but yours is definitely coming out way ahead - especially for Australian content. I really liked your history section - I wonder... do you know of anywhere that I can get a small graphic of Olave Baden Powell? I can only find photos, and I would really like a graphic to put in the Victorian Olave Program Magazine. Any suggestions for locations would be really appreciated! Thanks again for a great site, and keep up the good work! Yours in Guiding, Jenny Cummings - Leader & Ranger, Victoria

Beth Warren - 09/28/00 11:11:46
My Email:Msfixit508@aol.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Scouting USA, FL

Great job with your site. This will be my 10th year in Scouting and I am still learning. Thanks for the info that I will be passing along to my Junior troop as well as my Cadettes and Seniors. Keep working. Beth

Audrey brown - 09/09/00 18:53:31
My URL:http://website.lineone.net/~3rd.guides
My Email:3rd.guides@lineone.net
Guiding/Scouting?: Guiding

Love your website, its really different, We're from SCOTLAND and have our own new website, please come to visit us. It's very interesting to see how different every country is. Do you have a mascot at all, we really want to host one, and cant seem to find one free

Dee - 08/14/00 12:08:39
My URL:http://www.webtol.com
My Email:dbm@arkansas

Very lovely site and I really enjoyed my visit.

Sally Wally - 07/27/00 07:44:53
http://you know them by now yeah ?
My Email:you know that too !
Guiding/Scouting?: Well DUH !!

You done lots on here girl !! Way to go !! Hope the new putey is making things easier..!!! Loves ya !!

Judy Commerford - 07/16/00 11:35:42
My URL:http://www.iafrica.com.na
My Email:scimitar@iafrica.com.na
Guiding/Scouting?: Yes

It was wonderful finding your web-page. Greetings from the Girl Guides Association of Namibia We are hoping to have our own link soon - once I know how to do it properly. Great Ideas, good graphics - keep up the good work Judy Commerford

Felecia Senti - 05/05/00 04:37:58
My Email:kf.senti@worldnet.att.net
Guiding/Scouting?: just parenting

This was a great source of information for my son's first grade class. They are creating a book on animals native to Australia. Super Site...

Elizabeth Kenney - 05/02/00 00:05:22
My Email:e_kenney_z@hotmail.com

looking for family tree history for Baden POWELL. My family are Powell's. My grandfather died on July 1st, 1999 (Canada Day) , one of the last of the Powell family. He has 1 son, who has 2 sons. My uncle is interested in investigating any possible connections. I would appreciate any help you could give me or any direction you would suggest I take for research. Thank you...from Canada. Elizabeth Kenney

Caitlyn - 04/30/00 13:26:52
My Email:caitlynpaige@hotmail.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Guiding

Thanks. i used your site while doing my Lady Baden-Powell award.

Per Morten Ellewsen - 04/26/00 21:07:47
My URL:http://home.sol.no/~ellewsen/per.htm
My Email:gudbrandsdal@scout.no
Guiding/Scouting?: District Commisioner

Just Hi from Norway ! Nice site ! I´m the commisioner of Gudbrandsdal district of the norwegian scouts assosiation. It´s 430 scouts all together in my district and 15 scoutgroups. If you like to have some friends among the scouts in my district you are welcome to send a mail to: gudbrandsdal@scout.no I will ad your question in my district news-paper, and to the contact-page on the district web-site - http://www.scout.no/kretser/gudbrandsdal Sincerly yours in scouting Per Morten Ellewsen Speiderleder fra Norge ( Scout-leader from Norway )

Dana - 04/21/00 02:48:15
My URL:/danamaree/
My Email:danaw@australiamail.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Neither. (once a Brownie)

Just have to say what a pretty site you have, I love the pics, which I can remember from such a great Australian children's book. Have a kewl day

http://www.geocities.com/danamaree/DANA the WEBSITE

Sheryl Becker - 04/21/00 02:28:04
My Email:sneezy1@xtra.co.nz
Guiding/Scouting?: Lone Guide Leader

Great site. will be back

CAPT Steve McConnell - 04/16/00 07:25:52
My Email:smcconnell@one.net.au
Guiding/Scouting?: Australian Regular Army

I was looking around for some resource data for an ANZAC Day presentation that I'm doing. This is excellent and you've done a lot of work. Well done!

JULIE MARTIN - 04/10/00 04:59:53
My Email:Mad_Docz@bigpond
Guiding/Scouting?: GUIDES


MistressBec - 04/05/00 10:33:12
My URL:http://www.crosswinds,net/~mistressbec
My Email:mistressbec@hotmail.com
Guiding/Scouting?: nope!

Hi there, just visiting some of my fellow aussie neighbours on the Aussie Web-Ring! Nice place that you have here! Cheers, Bec

Victoria - 04/03/00 06:31:41
My Email:groovychic@hotmail.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Guiding

Cool site!

Christina - 04/02/00 18:05:26
My Email:www.Citv.co.uk
Guiding/Scouting?: Both


HANNAH - 03/28/00 17:26:47
Guiding/Scouting?: GUIDE


HANNAH - 03/28/00 17:26:46
Guiding/Scouting?: GUIDE


Digital Delilah - 03/25/00 01:46:20
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com
My Email:digialdelilah@onelist.com
Guiding/Scouting?: no

Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? Come join the Digital Delilah's Website Competition! Or maybe you'd like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to join our webring!

annette dizon - 03/19/00 00:50:03
My Email:rcdizon@philonline.com
Guiding/Scouting?: scouting

hi! would it be possible to send me a kangaroo mask for my son's project for tomorrow. sorry to ask on such short notice. been shopping for a week nd cant find one. thanks a lot. love your webpage.

Tina Clark - 03/06/00 11:29:16
My Email:richard.bray@tesco.net
Guiding/Scouting?: Guiding

Great site, I was looking through all of the official UK Guide and Scout pages for a picture of Olave Baden Powell for a time line that I am putting together with a group of Brownies for a 200o challenge. This is deifinaltely the best I've found. Thanks
Bev Jones - 02/29/00 01:40:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mt/bevspage/
My Email:keithj@rivernet.com.au

Hello Ruth,
I'm just popping in to say G'day. I've really enjoyed my visit here with you.

< R>

Michelle (Shell) - 02/27/00 08:36:31
My Email:shelgel@catchnet.com.au

Hi, im a Reg 26 LOTH sister, and im checking out all the ladies pages. i really liked your site, youve done a great job, keep up the good work! bye :o)

Gail Pilgrim. - 02/22/00 06:04:04
My Email:
Guiding/Scouting?: Brownie Leader.

I found your Pages most interesting as l am a new Leader and looking around has given me some good ideas. Thanks. Gail.

Bonnie Fuller - 02/18/00 22:32:39
My Email:jinbonni@gtcom.net
Guiding/Scouting?: Brownie Leader

Hi, Thank you for thte information I need for Thinking Day. I tried to tell my girls on Thursday but the infor. I had was over their head.

mae - 02/18/00 03:49:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mt/JustinLanger
My Email:maize@mpx.com.au
Guiding/Scouting?: i was a brownie, does that count?

hi there, i really love your page, it's really well designed and interesting, well done, and i look forward to visiting again soon :)

Tracy (Koala) - 02/15/00 03:02:32
My Email:indiana1@iexpress.net.au
Guiding/Scouting?: I was once a girl guide....long time ago.

Hi there Ruth, What a lovely cyber home you have, I especially like the Koala background, he is so cute. It has been ages since I visited fellow Wattles pages, so here I am. Catch you soon. Koala hugs Tracy.

Shelly - 02/09/00 19:00:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Vista/7341/
My Email:shelly_r@cheerful.com

Hi there! Just came for a peep and I really enjoyed my visit. `~*.'Hugs'.*~` Shelly

Ann D. Long - 02/04/00 13:26:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com.Heartland/Pines/5407
My Email:adlong@hargray.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Scouting

Hi, We loved your web site. We found it via an email about GS/GG Memobelia. We are studing Australia for our International Thinking Day. We would like a Pen Pal troop from Australia. Can you help us? ^Å^nn/Troops #498-501-502

Cheryl Steele - 01/27/00 13:18:49
My Email:inthesticks73@yahoo.com

I am from a town called Kinta, Oklahoma in the USA. Kinta is a Choctaw Indian word for beaver. I was hoping to find out if the school was going to be closed because of snow today...but I like your page.

Des FitzGerald - 01/25/00 06:46:51
My Email:Akela@telus.net
Guiding/Scouting?: Scouting

Great site. I'm with the 7th.Mountain Northview Cub Pack in Burnaby, BC, Canada

Kinta Mader - 01/24/00 15:45:53
My Email:kintamader@hotmail.com

Hi, as you can see my name is Kinta also and I am wondering how you got the name and what you were told it ment. I was told it was a family name and that it ment Beaver in a west coast indian tribe and I was told a few weeks ago by a Japanese girl that it means health fat boy in Japanese. well, hope to hear from you. - Kinta

Laurie Ather - 01/20/00 17:48:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/8964
My Email:xfilesfan@mailexcite.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Girl Scout Leader

I am a leader in Central Maryland Council, USA. My troop is making a display on Australia for Thinking Day 2000 and your site has many great reasources we will be able to use! Beautiful graphics and backgrounds, too! Keep up the great work!

Fancy - 01/17/00 03:28:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Bluegrass/3163
My Email:fancykatie@hotmail.com
Guiding/Scouting?: use to be GS

Your home on the net is great thanks i had so much fun here! *RAOK*

Dawn Beloit - 01/08/00 02:54:20
My Email:jbksmom
Guiding/Scouting?: Brownie Girl Scouts Troop #211

I live in California and our troop is doing Australia for thinking day. Thanks for the beautiful site.

Carol Pringle - 01/07/00 23:07:38
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/9224/index.html
My Email:c_pringle@hotmail.com
Guiding/Scouting?: retired/guiding

Thanks for the welcome to Region 26...thought I'de pop over and take a look around...Great site enjoyed my time here...take a look round mine sometime http:/geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/9224 Congratualations of a very informative and interesting site...hugs....Aussiecat.

Stone - 12/23/99 13:46:06
My URL:http://home.seol.net.au/shentall/index.html
My Email:saturn@seol.net.au

G'day Ruth, just popped in to say hello. Nice to have visited your site, well done. STONE

Rebecca - 11/11/99 20:23:44
My URL:http://mistressbec.8m.com
My Email:webmistress@mistressbec.8m.com
Guiding/Scouting?: not the last time I looked!

Hi there! I was just checking out some of the other members sites on the RAOK webring! It's nice to see that I have aussie neighbours! Have a great day!
Cheers, MistressBec!

Ruggsie - 10/27/99 20:45:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ruggsie
My Email:ruggsie@aol.com
Guiding/Scouting?: I was a girl scout in grade school....does that count??

Hiya Ruth! I was hoping to track down more pics of your kids here...no luck, but what a beautiful piece of land you have! Jennifer

Lisa - 10/26/99 12:21:39
My URL:http://LadyLisa.tripod.com/index1.html
My Email:thetweedybird@hotmail.com

Great pages you have! I enjoyed my visit and will come back. have a wonderful day.

Lisa - 10/26/99 12:18:59
My Email:thetweedybird@hotmail.com

Great pages you have! I enjoyed my visit and will come back. have a wonderful day.

Recruiter Sunflower - 10/09/99 12:09:41
My Email:ladysunflower@therumbles.net

Hi there! I'm Recruiter Sunflower and I'm from the Rumbles! Part of my job is to surf the net and take a look at people's websites and invite them to the Rumbles. When you get a free moment, please stop by and see if you would like to participate your sit in some friendly competition. We have a list of different teams and I'm sure you'd have a great time!

Spider Orchid - 09/20/99 02:14:39
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/katatonic
My Email:katonic@gateway.net.au

Thank you for sharing your site and family with me. I really enjoyed my stay. See you under the wattle......

Kinta Mader - 09/10/99 17:11:53
My Email:kintamader@hotmail.com


Carol SAid - 09/10/99 03:33:27
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/blake/450/
My Email:angelofoz98@yahoo.com
Guiding/Scouting?: no

Your life unfolding here is so very painful. LOTH Region 26 OZ & NZ, and Wattle Women gives you at least some people to share your plight with. It is hard for us to imagine what you are feeling. Let us be all be warned none of us are safe if this hits so lose to home. Keep Smiling for sake of yourself esteem and your wonderful sad children. Without you they will not cope. Take Care Carol

gypsyrose - 09/06/99 03:02:57
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/ravenandgypsyrose/index4.html
My Email:gypsyrose@avsia.com

enjoyed your site. thank you for sharing with others. god be with you and yours. gypsyrose

Misker - 09/05/99 23:51:32
My URL:http://home.kawartha.com/~patsys/index.htm
My Email:patsys@kawartha.com
Guiding/Scouting?: niether I am a caregiver

Hi wanted you to know I came to visit and enjoyed the tea and cookies very much!! Also definetly enjoyed my visit here!!

Random Act of Kindness

Rex - 08/17/99 19:57:35
My Email:Rex@tizyer.freeserve.co.uk
Guiding/Scouting?: Gilwell Park Service Team

I'll be back!

Tiny - 08/15/99 11:17:43
My URL:http://come.to/tinyshome
My Email:sieloo@worldonline.nl

Here is Holland speaking! I have really enjoyed visiting your homepage! Come and visit Holland and take a look at my page! I have a nice site in English, French, German and Dutch with a lot of information/links about tourism in Holland, music, holidays, o d schoolphotographs,Teletubbies,links, Animated Gifs, you can pick up my banner, and you can also win my award!! I would be delighted if you sign my guestbook too! Greetings, Tiny

Visit Tiny's Homepage!

Steev Elwart - 08/09/99 14:11:56
My Email:selwart@netdoor.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Asst. Scoutmaster - Wood Badge Staff

Enjoyed the story of Denizulu's Necklace! Steve Elwart Troop 111 Vicksburg, Mississippi USA

Ron McPhail - 08/08/99 16:40:53
My Email:rdmcphail@hotmail.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Beavers

Ruth, just stopped by for a look see. Hope the Priate theme when well! How did the hats do?

Midnight Lady - 08/05/99 04:38:20
My URL:http://home.seol.net.au/shentall/midindex.html
My Email:shentall@seol.net.au

Hello Ruth I have enjoyed my visit to your site ..very nicely done..Feel free to visit my site any time :o)

Katrina - 08/01/99 13:48:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lake/9426/index.htm
My Email:charwell@hotmail.com

Thanks for your visit, I thought I'd return the favour! It's great to see more Aussie's on the net now, and doing such a good job. :-)

tina - 07/31/99 14:36:12
My URL:http://www.localsintheknow.com
My Email:tina@localsintheknow.com

Hi there, I have just been to your homepage via the Australian Ring I was wondering if you could help with the following in the aussie spirit: A new site has just been launched, which is mainly for tourists, helping them to find out about a city they want to visit and to ask questions from the locals. I am looking for people who are prepared to answer the occasional email about the city they live in. It does not cost anything to subscribe as a local, except a few minutes of your time. The project is in aid of research for the paralyzed. David, whose idea this project is, has broken his neck 3 years ago. Can you please help and please, send it to any of your friends, we do need to establish a database of locals before getting sponsorship or paying clients. Please go to the site: http://www.localsintheknow.com/ click on top left corner "become a member" many thanks, Tina tina@localsintheknow.com

Eve/Icey/FlannelFlower - 07/16/99 07:47:56
My URL:http://www.icecastle.au.castlenet.org
My Email:eve@icecastle.au.castlenet.org

Hiya Kinta, thanks for visiting my page :-) Love yours, so cute. Wattle Women ROCK!

Paula - 07/15/99 06:01:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Trail/1270
My Email:moodswing@multiweb.nl
Guiding/Scouting?: nee

Hi Kinta...you have a pretty site....I loved my stay here very much....

Kim (karri) - 07/05/99 08:12:41
My URL:http://www.eisa.net.au/~flash/kim.html
My Email:ozziekim@hotmail.com
Guiding/Scouting?: guiding

I found your page through Wattlewomen, you have a great site and i really enjoyed my stay. i am having a break from Guiding at the moment. i have just started putting my guiding page together could i please put links on my page to you wonderful guiding pages. Keep up the Great work, i hope to et to know you better through wattle women

Pat - 06/25/99 04:51:42
My Email:Patricia.Collett@tesco.net
Guiding/Scouting?: Guiding UK

I am a brownie guider and I came by to look at your compass drawing which I will do with my Brownies in the summer.

steve zivot - 06/24/99 15:28:22
My Email:steve_zivot@acwins.com
Guiding/Scouting?: cot your site from scoutins.Asm in a great troop in Staten Island N.Y.


Lynn Rogalski - 06/24/99 02:57:22
My Email:rogalski@sympatico. ca
Guiding/Scouting?: Guiding

Enjoyed your pages very much

Anne & Graham Mitchell - 06/18/99 09:35:32
My Email:anne_mitchell@hotmail.com
Guiding/Scouting?: both!

At last we are on-line and have the time to peruse what has been tantalising me for months. We have enjoyed our first visit and will be back. Cheers Ruth and Marshall, Yours in scouting and guiding, Anne and Graham

Dane35 & Dane^sGal - 06/15/99 04:08:02
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/danexx/mc/
My Email:mirc_colors@hotmail.com

We like your pages very much,keep up the good work.We will come back again for another visit.Please come see what we like to do ,don't forget to sign our gustbook so we know of your visit,thank you....Dane & Dane^sGal

Lisa - 06/15/99 00:11:15
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members3/sixlights/index.html
My Email:sixlights@computerland.net
Guiding/Scouting?: Scouting

Hi Ruth ~ Thank you for visiting my pages and for the kind RAOK welcome :O) I enjoyed your pages - they are fun :O) Keep up the good work and God Bless ^i^

Tyler - 06/12/99 17:52:14
My URL:http://members.aol.com/mrsdarla/
My Email:mrsdarla@aol.com

Nice site! I enjoyed my visit.

Rescue_Renea - 06/10/99 20:26:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al2/rescuerenea
My Email:rescue_angel@angelfire.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Webring RAOK

Neat site. I really enjoyed visiting you.

Check out the site that I made for my mother for Mother's Day 1999



Els - 06/10/99 13:24:42
My URL:http://users.telekabel.nl/el7bbs
My Email:el7bbs@telekabel.nl

Hi ,Just a note..
A friend is someone who brings you joy, that lasts a lifetime through.
Wish you alot love, happiness and health. With Love.. Els.

Click Here For Your Escape From Reality

Dianne F - 06/10/99 08:49:15
My Email:Leedale@ts.co.nz
Guiding/Scouting?: Guiding

Your site is brilliant - one clever lady! Well done.

Kare Grayson - 06/06/99 23:59:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/graysonsangel
My Email:angelofmine_99@yahoo.com


You have a wonderful page! Welcome to RAOK and I hope you love it just as much as I do!

Shnd - 06/05/99 10:02:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/7581/index.html
My Email:hnd15@hotmail.com

Hi! Just wanted to welcome you to RAOK and hope you enjoy our group!

Jessica - 06/03/99 23:54:14
My URL:http://members.aol.com/YSIK/index.html

WOW, you have a very beautiful site!!! Thanks for share with us!!!

shauna - 06/03/99 04:31:26
My Email:s_nagy@bc.sympatico.ca


Hi there...Welcome to RAOK :)
Glad you decided to join us.

~A Smile~

A smile cost nothing, but gives so much.
It enriches those who receive it, without making poorer those who give.
It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it,
and none is so poor but that he can be made rich by it.

A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in business,
and is the countersign of friendship.
It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged,
sunshine to the sad, and it is nature's best antidote for trouble.

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen,
for it is something that is of no value
to anyone until it is given away.
Some people are too tired to give you a smile.
Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much
as he who has no more to give.

~Author unknown~

Hoping this finds you smiling :)

Kind Soul - 06/01/99 20:34:56
My URL:http://listen.to/petra
My Email:kindacts@hotmail.com


Ruth, I wanted to stop by to welcome you to RAOK and to visit your beautiful webhome. I enjoyed all your scouting links. If you have any questions about RAOK please feel free to email me. Have a wonderful day and a beautiful tomorrow! :)

Proud Member of Random Acts of Kindness
"You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force." ~ Publilius Syrus ~

Lisa(Josie) - 06/01/99 12:59:59
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Josie/place.html
My Email:josiesplace@yahoo.com

Welcome to RAOK

How 'bout voting for me at the site fights? Check my page and you decide :)

maddmom - 06/01/99 07:41:59
My URL:http://www.maddmom.com
My Email:maddmom@maddmom.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Camp Fire!!!

What a lovely and entertaining site you have here! I've thoroughly enjoyed the tour. Welcome to RAOK.

Meneka - 05/31/99 23:00:52
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~meneka.html
My Email:ilagan@hotmail.com

G!day Warm welcome to RAOK, You have very nice page. I enjoyed my visit, I hope you enjoy this group as much as I do :), again welcome,welcome.

Chrissy - 05/31/99 19:48:28
My Email:christycsd@hotmail.com

Welcome to the RAOK family! I'm so glad you've joined us! *HUGS* Chrissy :o)

Jackie - 05/31/99 16:17:45
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/mellocup9/grid1.html
My Email:jrayner@teleclipse.net

Welcome to RAOK. We are glad to have you join us.

Jean - 05/31/99 15:32:37
My URL:http://www.users.uswest.net/~jmw5171
My Email:jmw5171@uswest.net


So happy to see you join us!

Ladywolf in Mo - 05/31/99 15:26:32
My URL:http://greenfield.fortunecity.com/wolf/537/main.html
My Email:spangler@pbmo.net

Hi Welcome to the Random Act of Kindness Web Ring. Nice place you have here keep up the good work. *S* Glad you could join us.

Sandee - 05/31/99 12:55:19
My URL:http://marina.fortunecity.com/seaview/358/
My Email:sandee_beach@yahoo.com

Welcome to our Random Acts Of Kindness family!!

Joan - 05/31/99 12:28:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/Wrights/index.html
My Email:trouble@telplus.net

Welcome to Random Acts Of Kindness. I have had a very nice visit here. Hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy RAOK. I look forward to getting to know you.

Kodesmom - 05/31/99 06:44:48
My Email:rkfogg@ttlc.net

Welcome to 'Random Acts Of Kindness'!! :o) I'm so happy you've decided to join our wonderful group! *hugs* ~Kodesmom~

Candi/RAOK Founder - 05/27/99 03:25:53


I'm just out saying hello and getting
to know all the members of RAOK
I'm so pleased you decided to join
us and help spread kindness over
the internet.

If you have any questions or comments
feel free to contact me at

Kathy - Fairy Penguin - 05/18/99 12:50:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills.3789
My Email:kathy@goldesigns.com.au
Guiding/Scouting?: Guides when I was much yougner.

Hi Ruth..*S* lovely to meet another fellow Wattle Woman..I just adore that cute background on your index page, sooooo cute. I haven't seen all the wonderful things you have in store for me on your pages yet, but I wanted to let you know I had been and wil be back again soon I promise..Peace love and happiness always...*HUGS*

Please visit "Our Humble Abode" if you get the chance...

Bye for now...Kathy

blackduck - 05/15/99 22:47:54
My URL:http://www.seatite.com.au
My Email:jenny@seatite.com.au

What great pages! I loved all of your background graphics. I also loved your Anzac Tributes. My Grandfather was an Anzac with a Light Horse division and the Dawn Service always begins my April 25th. love and peace blackduck

Karen Stepko - 05/12/99 05:48:25
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/8476
My Email:kls794@mail.usask.ca
Guiding/Scouting?: Yes, 1st Battleford Pathfinders

Just visiting my Heartland Neighbours via the webring and came across this site. Nice work so far! I mention my guiding days a little on my "Friends" page. Please visit my site if you have time, and sign the guestbook. The more the merrier!!!

Anita - 05/11/99 11:06:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/4273/index.html
My Email:kobe@dx.com.au
Guiding/Scouting?: Not now

Hi and welcome to WW.......they are the nicest bunch of ladies on the *net*. I have enjoyed my stroll through your *pages*.......from one WW sister to another God Bless You.

Brynn - 04/27/99 12:21:54
My URL:http://oe-pages.com/FAMILY/Children/brelki
My Email:Troop061@zensearch.net
Guiding/Scouting?: Scouting

Very awesome page. We have just started working on ours. I hope we can make it as lovely as yours.

merana - 04/08/99 11:53:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Gorge/4154
Guiding/Scouting?: Support 'em all!!!

Surfed in via WAGGGS web. Nice to visit a bit of Australia!

George Costigan - 04/06/99 12:06:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/2157
My Email:george.costigan@mailexcite.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Scouting

I saw your URLs at the bottom of your tag in SCOUTS-L so I had to come take a look. Very nice sites; thanks for sharing them with us.

Anne Saywell - 03/20/99 20:18:04
My Email:maabs@globalnet.co.uk
Guiding/Scouting?: UK Brownie Guider

A really great site - I will be back lots of times!!

Linda aka Shutterbug - 03/17/99 21:10:48
My URL:http://www3.sympatico.ca/mgrant/detour.htm
Guiding/Scouting?: Guiding

Your pages are wonderful - keep up the great job. Hope you can stop by Country Roads and find the detour to my guiding pages.

Come and visit banner

Jean Reid - 03/17/99 04:54:49
My Email:jeanreid@idirect.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Guiding ... you bet!

Hi Ruth, got your message and here I am. Your web page is FANTASTIC! Talent shows ... and you sure have some. Thanks for the Australian input. Jean R.

Lynn Huey - 03/17/99 03:46:12
My Email:hueyjw@mnsi.neet
Guiding/Scouting?: Guiding & Scouting

I LOVE your site! Great ideas and fantastic info. Keep up the good work Lynn

Shannon - 03/17/99 03:17:16
My Email:smn977@hotmail.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Guider

Great site you have here. I really enjoyed the guiding pages.

Margaret Whittaker - 03/17/99 01:54:25
My Email:rioromo@cmn.net

It's great to see a site for the girls!

Kathy - 01/15/99 14:10:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/2784/index.html
My Email:redsunami@aol.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Girl Scouts - when I was much younger!

G'day! Great site, your scouting pages brought back such fond memories of my youth. Thank you.

Susan Hutson - 01/12/99 08:14:12
My Email:patches@goin.missouri.org
Guiding/Scouting?: scout leader with 2 daughters

Enjoyed your page. I found it from the LISTSERV-L Wealths of information here to learn about guides in Austrailia. Thanks, makes the research for thinking day so easy!

Luke - 01/07/99 09:00:56
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/olympia/norman/156
My Email:ryan@diesel.net.au
Guiding/Scouting?: Nup

Hey there, nice Australian page you have here! I found it through the Australian Web ring, of which I am a member also! Good luck with your page in the future, and perhaps I'll hear from you soon! Remember to visit my site and sign my guestbook! Thanks!

Cryssie aka 'Nan' - 01/04/99 15:53:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/7712
My Email:cryssie@home.com

hi there! i surfed in through the heartland webring...great pages! it took me quite a few visits to get through it all, very well done! Keep up the great work!

Fiona Beckwith - 12/15/98 12:10:37
Guiding/Scouting?: Both! :-)

Hallo Ruth and girls, it's taken much too long to visit, and we promise we'll be back again soon. Have a great Christmas and New Year at Westgrays. We city Guides will be thinking of you. 1st N Melbourne

Steve Duneman (dune_manCL) - 12/14/98 23:55:08
My URL:/Heartland/Park/4309/
My Email:duneman@cloudnet.com
Guiding/Scouting?: My son is in Scouting

Just thought I would surf by and activate your Heartland Webring. You have a very nice site here. I really enjoyed surfing. You are welcome to surf my Homepage any time. Have a great Holiday Season.

Sally & Alan & Cameron, Tamea & Brianna - 12/05/98 11:05:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/4005
My Email:c012@tsn.cc
Guiding/Scouting?: guiding

What a great informative page ! All we need is a pic of MUM and the family and it will be complete !! But its great to check out and look around and now I'll know what your getting up to without chatting to Mum ! Well done everybody !

Jana Prince - 12/03/98 14:05:45
My Email:wprince@cslink.net
Guiding/Scouting?: Scouting

I love this site

Carole Lindsay - 11/22/98 18:49:40
My Email:C.N.LINDSAY@xtra.co.nz
Guiding/Scouting?: Guiding

Just popping in to say Hello from the land of the "Long White Cloud".Enjoyed your page. Yours in Guiding Carole

Kristy McGuire - 11/20/98 03:49:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~prairiedragon/troop72.html
My Email:kmcguire@dixie-net.com
Guiding/Scouting?: Girl Scouts of the United States of America

Great site! Loved the farm story! It drew many laughs around here. Keep up the good work.

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