The VURT Webring



Ever since I read Jeff Noon's "VURT" I have lost my grip on reality almost completely.

This ring is for all you Noon fans who love his VURTUAL reality books (VURT and POLLEN) and who are not afraid to admit that down deep you think la la land is real, and that perhaps one day it will be brought to *life*.

Your site doesn't have to contain a page dedicated to the books, this is a ring that simply joins the fans of dreamland together.

All sites are welcome. Please go [here] to join.

Bellow you will find the html code for the map that you need to put on your site.

Questions? Then email me.

Dream on!


The Map and Code

Please insert your site ID where needed

<center><p><map name="FPMap0">

<area href="" shape="rect"

coords="228, 3, 349, 214">

<area href="" shape="rect"

coords="61, 1, 157, 53">

<area href=";action=addform"

shape="rect" coords="13, 87, 53, 114">

<area href=";action=list" shape="rect"

coords="11, 134, 52, 164">

<area href=";action=home" shape="rect"

coords="14, 182, 57, 213">



coords="144, 86, 210, 117" shape="rect">



coords="143, 138, 191, 163" shape="rect">



shape="rect" coords="142, 186, 207, 214"></map><img border="0"

src="" usemap="#FPMap0"

width="350" height="215"></p></center>


If you have a light background you may want to you use this image.

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