The Moonlight Drive Webring

This is a webring for those of you who constantly wonder what's on the other side.

The other side is where you make the rules and where your imagination roams free.

If you have an original site (with Poems, Art, Journals etc) that portrays what is going on inside your head, then this is the place for you to promote it.

Sites with any kind of hate or porn will NOT be accepted, but soft erotica is okay with me.

To join please go [here

The map that you will put on your site is shown bellow along with its html codes.

Got any questions? Then email me.

This is the code please stick in your Site ID when asked

<p align="center"><map name="FPMap0">



coords="185, 67, 226, 94" shape="rect">



coords="281, 156, 343, 186" shape="rect">

<area href=";action=list"

shape="rect" coords="184, 114, 225, 139">

<area href=";action=home"

shape="rect" coords="175, 159, 236, 185">

<area href=""

shape="rect" coords="90, 3, 281, 34">

<area href=""

shape="rect" coords="19, 41, 170, 233">



shape="rect" coords="272, 111, 354, 140">



shape="rect" coords="286, 61, 337, 94"></map><img border="0"

src="" usemap="#FPMap0" width="360" height="250"></p>

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