Age: God only knows but I act like I'm in my early 20s

Position: Visitor; first lord of darkness more specifically in "The Sandman" issue #4

Relatives & Relationships: God, Mankind, demons, Neil Gaiman, Sara, ***Capricia*** and the two morons I share Hell with. 

Contact: put my name as the subject


Colours - white, yellow, blue, red, and black

Clothes - white jumpsuit, white pimp suit, and in the summer I prefer pulling an Adam

Foods - cognac, gingerbread cookies, fried eggs with sausage and salmon caviar 

Books - the bible, brave new world, clockwork orange

Movies - Jesus Christ Superstar, the last temptation of Christ, Shinler's List, clockwork orange, Thelma and Louise , and most of Woody Allen's movies         

Musicians - Wagner, Bauhaus, Tori Amos and David Bowie

Hobbies: Punishing bastards, corrupting, making glass bottles, fucking, and brushing out my rabbits

What's going on:  

April.13/2001 My God I didn't think it was so simple to get into Sara's head. No offense or anything, I'm not calling her easy. I'm very surprised she's even put up this site for me since I haven't been around for long. Well believe it or not Hell is as boring as a crippled rock, so now I'm on vacation. I guess it pays off to have those two shits paying half of the rent. Thanks for the bed to crash on Sara, I'll make sure to put some Hell bonds under your name. Btw why won't Alla sleep with me? Am I that repulsive? Oh well she's a nice lady, now if I could only get Capricia to come out of the corners and talk to me. That girl looks like she has a lot to say.

April.18/2001 Well I must say that a drastic change has occurred in my life. If you checked Capri's page before mine then you know what I'm talking about. If you didn't or want to hear my own account of the whole thing then stay tuned. I'm pretty sure I'll go into more detail anyways. Alright I finally got her talking about 3 days ago or so and then I asked her if she wanted to take a trip to Hell with me since she doesn't usually get out much. She said okay in a moody kind of way (which I *adore*) and we went off. We stayed there the whole day, and after I cremated a couple of serial killers who were way overdo only because the idiots I left in charge decided to play poker with them, we had a pleasant lunch (or dinner I can't remember) and talked for hours. It turns out she's a lot like Sara only she's...actually since she's responsible for Sara's mood swings I guess she is a lot like her, and of course knowing this it's obvious that she is a very intelligent person [editors note: Lucy is a BIG suck up]. So we cuddled and ended up making sweeeeeeet love [editor cracks up] by a fire pit under the full moon. I was afraid Capri's hair might catch on fire but thankfully it did not. In short: I'm in love. Yes Satan is in love. Yellow and blue match and I'm fucking crazy about this chick. Also we've all recently joined a group of people who also have multiple personalities and it's been a lot of fun.


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