By Sara
Okay so you're probably thinking what the hell is this site all about? To put it plainly it simply shows you how cracked I am. But that may be only your point of view. To me the people I am introducing to you are real and they are my friends so please, if you want to bug me about how I should live my life and cleanse my soul dump your shit somewhere else. Or even better email them and see what they'll tell you.
This whole thing came about when I got into talking to myself, and after a while I realized that the answers I was getting back during my conversations were a little too witty and thoughtful for me to make them up on the spot, so I began exploring. After a bit of drawing and probing I met Confusious (I had no knowledge of the Chinese profit at this time) I named him this because every time I thought about him I felt extremely confused, silly and clumsy. I then met Dreamlenkia and Driftisia twin sisters who often whisked me away on daydreaming journeys. Unfortunately my relationship with the later soured and they moved away into a corner far back in my head where they now live happily sometimes giving me lovely fantasies (they prefer a more distant approach). But their moving away in the first place brought some shit about. Confusious was in love with Dreamlenkia and so he followed her, this made me loose contact with him for almost a year. As revenge I turned him into a Calvin Klein sock but later on I released him from the punishment although we were still not on speaking terms. Then I met Alla (my oldest fay). She seldom came to me but with our slow yet short conversations I began to understand what was going on. Apparently the inside of my skull is a giant house filled with people, some of them have their logical purposes some of them don't (as you will see when you enter) but they are all incredibly important. As my relationship with Alla developed Confusious came back. We made up and are now experiencing the best year of our friendship. After he and Alla settled in others began to join us, some were absent friends who I met for the first time, others are constant visitors from other places. Whoever they are they are most welcome and they all deserve to be mentioned. So far I only have 5, but I'm sure that the number will increase. If you're terribly confused then I suggest you just go right in and see what they have to say for themselves. Each of their pages explains what their roles are what they like and what's going on in their lives at the moment. Please keep an open mind and remember that I wouldn't judge you. Now I think you're ready...