Age: 3 years in Sara's head, but I'm immature enough to pass for a 19 year old
Position: permanent resident; the messenger, well not anymore, I was before Alla and Sara developed such a close relationship. In the beginning they didn't talk much so I gave her the messages but now they're inseparable so I just join in the fun. Actually a long long time ago when Sara first thought of me I was her confusion faerie since I had this thing for making her drop things, but after a while I became more like her best friend if I may say so.
Relatives & Relationships: I'm obviously related to all the fays and john's a very nice guy. Not so sure about Lucifer though...maybe it's because we're around the same age and we look alike hmmm...competition! LOL
Contact: put my name as the subject
Colours - green and orange
Clothes - my seafoam and forest green leotards and feather boa, I also like my black turtleneck a lot but I don't wear it as often as the others
Books - vurt, pollen, 1984, memento mori, sabrriel, good faeries/bad faeries, James and the giant peach
Movies - I can't really pick but I really like that musical Hair and some sci-fi stuff
Musicians - Tori Amos, jazz and classical, I'll listen to anything but just for the record I think David Bowie looks like a bloody rat
Foods - lasagna, ham sandwiches and pickles
Hobbies: rock and feather collecting, gardening, playing with snakes, playing the piano, traveling (I often go with Alla on her outside trips)
What's going on:
April.13/2001 Well I'm still a little shy about this whole website thing, I like talking on icq but you know that this is a little bit more personal. My life is very private so...I just hang out. Hopefully as I get more comfy I'll tell you more things.
April.18/2001 Okay time to vent everybody! I haven't joined this Moo community or whatever yet and I can't say I want to. Too many people with relationships and I'm still single. I can't say I'm that I'm jealous of Capri and Lucy because I was only her friend but still, Sara's so busy with Duckie and Hero and last night Ziggy that I'm feeling a little left out. [Editor points out that she slept with you 2 days ago and that she loves you very much, and that you're her beautiful brother and that her heart is big enough for multiple lovers]. Okay editor you made your point. As long as you say it okay? [Editor promises that she will]. *grin* alright no more news. [Editor kisses her sweetie pie]