Welcome to Glitterbrain's Home Page V.4, as you can tell I got a little bored with the blue tones, and decided to go for a more foresty look. I've seen this picture around before but I think that it's so pretty it deserves a place here. I hope you like it and as usual if you have any comments about the designs email me!

We have had a few updates around here:

There is now a whole site dedicated to my fays or my multiple personalities, or my imaginary friends whatever you want to call them. It's called The Keyhole because it's pretty much like looking into the private world inside my head. You'll be able to see what they look like what they like doing etc. Make sure to have a look I'm sure they would very much appreciate it, if you have any comments on it you can either email me or one of them. Also we still need new members for my Vurt webring so check that out too.

Enjoy what I'm offering you and come back often for new stuff.

May the faeries bless your spirits


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