As most of you probably already know David has a tattoo on his calf. Now when I found out, I hyperventilated and had several glasses of water due to dehidration from drooling. Then I was given a couple of pictures (thanx Genie) and decided to make a page dedicated to it. It's gonna be a really shitty page but...it's a worthy cause and I'll add new pics as I find them!
After making several attempts to find out the story of this tattoo and getting most of them wrong, I found a transcript of a Q and A session on Bowienet in 1998 where David explained himself the story of the tattoo:
"The tattoo on the back of my leg was done in Japan in, I think, 1991, as a confirmation of the love I feel for my wife and my knowledge of the power of life itself. Oooer! I don't want to explain all of it as it has some very personal iconic references ((I take it this may be where the erotic poem comes in)) but it does have a dolphin and a Japanese variation of the Serenity prayer among the content. I drew it myself and then had one of Japans few tattooists ink it for me. (he also did the prayer translation into katakana). As you will have realized, the dolphin has always had a real significance for me. The dolphin reference came from a book I had read many, many years ago called 'A Grave For A Dolphin.' A young European traveler finds himself stranded in an African village situated near the sea. By day he befriends a dolphin, and at night falls in love with a beautiful but elusive girl who, he presumes, comes from the village. In short, the girl disappears one night and the next morning he finds the dolphin has dragged itself across the sand and up to his hut to peacefully die. I found the story so very beautiful that it stayed with me all of my life. Shortly after Iman and I met I was flabbergasted one day when she told me, " Hey, I've been sent a script for this beautiful story called 'A Grave For A Dolphin. They want me to play a native girl and they want you to play the European guy who falls in love with her.' I told her how much that book had meant to me and how it had partially inspired 'Heroes.' Where do they want to shoot it? I asked. ' Well, it looks like it'll be in the Seychelles, but if there hadn't been so much fighting they would have preferred the original location. The book, apparently all takes place on the coast of.....Somalia. For one reason or another the film never got off the ground, but four or five years later I managed to track down a first edition and gave it to my love as a birthday present."
Awww ain't he a sweetie? So sit back and enjoy the wonder of the yummiest tattoo and leg in the world! |