I would like to dedicate this page to some very special people who share my interest in David.
They are all wonderful girls I met at a forum for Jareth The Goblin King or somewhere else on the net.
After I met them I lost my shyness of loving Dave and I owe a lot of my happiness to them.
These gorgeous Ziggy space cadets are :
*Amanda (Salana's groovy roomate)

I would also like to dedicate it to all my close friends here in Canada, (especially Heather, Adrian, Nadya, Amy, Emma, and Alex) and my daddy and mommy for letting me get Bowienet and not yelling at me too much for turning the dinner table conversations into Bowie related discussions.

Last but not least this site is for you David! *smooches*

Thanx for being there for me everybody, you are fab!


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