About Me


I thought about doing the whole
Name: Sara
Age: 16
thing but I figured this is my home page and if you came here to learn more about me, and if indeed you want to get to know me you need to learn that I ramble like a mad woman.
My name is Sara I'm an only child and a 16 year old Pisces born on March Third 1985 in Lisbon Portugal.
Now I live in Toronto Canada I've been here for 5 years.
I go to high school and like most teenagers...I hate it.
Toronto is super cool though people are nice most of the time and the multicultural atmosphere makes it really fun and interesting. Although I find those in the governement a bunch of bullshitting idiots, but hey that's politics for you! Before you think of listening to the statistics there are better places to live other than Canada believe me. But I am happy here,  as happy as one can be when your hormones jump like fleas.

I like all kinds of stuff but most importantly let me tell you that I am a music junky. Yes it's true some peeps are addicted to crack, and I'm addicted to music, which on me seems to have at times the same effect as many popular narcotics.  But I don't do any other drugs. And I don't care what you think, I AM NOT a looser because of it. When you're in the Betty Ford Clinic (if you can afford it cause I sure can't) because of your attitude you'll think about me.
Anyhoo, yes I love music and my favorite bands and asrtists are:
David Bowie, Tori Amos, The Velvet Underground, Bauhaus, The New York Dolls,The Who, Iggy Pop (and the Stooges), The Doors, Sleater Kinney, Abba, The Sex Pistols and A LOT more.
I don't go by styles, that's like eating KD (Kraft Dinner) for the rest of your life.

I also love to read since the world is kinda shitty most of the time and this gives me a place to go without me performing my theory of folding into my head. That would be very hard. Some of my favorite books are: Vurt by Jeff Noon, Human Croquet by Kate Atkinson, Sabriel by Garth Nix, The Handmaid's Tale and Power Politics by Margaret Atwood, all the Roald Dahl books, most of the Anne Rice books, all poem books by Gwendolyn MacEwen and Sylvia Plath, 1984 by George Orwell,and many others...

Art is also another one of my fetishes, there's nothing like sitting alone in an art gallery or museum, I almost fainted when I went to Paris.
My favorite visual artists would have to be: Salvador Dali my favorite painting being "Dream caused by the flight", Andy Warhol my favorite piece being "The Star", Marc Chagal and Brian Froud for these two I don't have a favorite piece.

Movies, I live in movies, or at least I wish I  could.
Velvet Goldmine, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Labyrinh, Dracula (1994), Interview With The Vampire, Legend, Willow, The Birdcage, The Linguini Incident, Clockwork  Orange  and I shot Andy Warhol are some of my faves :o) Catherine Deneuve is my fave actress btw, she is so cool!

What do I look like? Well why should that matter? Okay, I'm 5'4", 140 pounds (and fucking proud of it unless I'm PMSsing), naturally light brown hair which is now died and orangy red, light blue eyes that tend to change colours and a big big fetish for, polyester, glitter, spandex (not on me),  leather (also not on me) and as you may have been able to tell faeries.

Also a simple request for those with power and the population of the world in general:
People we  HAVE TO STOP big corporations because quite frankly I don't wish to live in a negative utopia like in "1984 "where we all wear GAP and drink and work at Starbucks.

I protect my indeviduality and my CD collection more than anything else, while fighting against cliques, and facist bitchy superficiality altogether. 
To sum in all up I'm a teenager who wishes she could be 40.

To the rest of you I hope you like my site and please don't forget to gimme some feedback okay?
Love on you all

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