The Trip

My hand on death's thigh

Her smile wide and grim

How I wish that I could taste

The juices alive within


My mouth on her mouth

Her breast to mine

The silk is falling

As our tongues entwine


Her fingers long

Her movements swift

I take this pain

My only gift


It's moist and deep

Where you can't reach

It's moist and deep

Where God can't preach


In a bed of roses

Dead and gone

I hear Jim's laughter

I hear Jim's song


I knew his quest

Had been fulfilled

As soon as death

Had, had me filled


Up to the brim

And dripping slowly

A bucket mouth

And something holy


I get the question

Should I say no?

Do death and moon

The silver glow?


I fall asleep

Caressed till morning

The sun today

Will not be dawning.