Some Thoughts

I was waiting....and waiting....haha and waiting at the bank in the drive thru...I started staring off. Something had finally caught my eye and kept me occupied while I waited. Infront of the bank I was at was a beautiful dogwood tree in full bloom. I looked at it and thought of HOW pretty it was when the wind gently brushed against its blossoms. Thinking of that wind reminded me of God. I then began to think about seasons of the year and the seasons in a mans/womans heart.
I began to ask God...."how come we have to go thru winters in our hearts Lord? Why can't it always be spring and summer?" God then brought to my mind how things grow. That beautiful dogwood tree I was admiring didn't get that big and full of blooms all at once, it had to grow from a little sapling into a mature tree.
That growing process started when the dogwood tree was just sprouting up. Through the spring and summer it had a few blossoms here and there. it was pretty but just small and not so great. in the autumn the blossoms began to fall off. By winter that little sapling looked dead however it was (i like to use my sons phrase:^) morphing. Yes , it was still alive but growing. So then when the next spring came it was bigger stronger and had more blossoms than the previous year. And so each year that tree went thru the same thing until it is the tree I was admiring at the bank today. So big and beautiful and next year it will be even bigger and with more blossoms than before.
Just like that tree, we started as a sapling, just so so and in the winters we go thru, God (still being right there ) is changing us, making us stronger more beautiful than before. So now I need to always remember, in those 'winter' times I go thru i need to remember and to know that God is there with me.....pulling me into something greater! making me stronger in Him. I praise God for all He has and WILL bring us thru becuase isn't it so much more wonderful to have less of us show and more of Him to shine in and out of us! To God be all the Glory and Honor!! woooooowhooooooo!!! what an AWESOME GOD we serve!!!!!!