Welcome friends to
Kathryn, Eric, Robyn and Richard's Homepage
Here you can learn all about our family and check the links below !
Eric and Kathryn were married on January 25, 1997

Our wedding song ( I promise it's downloading ! )  was 'Your Love Amazes Me' sung by John Berry-Kathryn is a BIG John Berry fan

Our daughter Robyn Elizabeth Ethel was born on May 12, 1997 - wasn't easy, but she got here !

August 7, 2001 brought the newest addition Richard Steven James to our home.Robyn loves being a big sister and being a big help.Richard adores her - Always has a smile just for her

Check out their pics in our
Our family also includes three cats: Sassafrass
( Sassy for short ), Onyx ( or Flopper because he just falls over on you ) and Cougar ( Eric and Robyn's cat ). We sadly put our oldest cat down, Lynxie down on April 27, 2000. We miss him terribly :o(
We live in Ontario, Canada and no, haven't seen any polar bears roaming around or igloos ( just kidding )

Eric's family comes from Newfoundland, Canada and Kathryn's family is a blend of Hungarian, Scottish and Canadian heritage
Well, that's enough background on the family - why not come and meet us through the links below ? And don't forget to sign the guestbook so Kathryn knows all this wasn't done in vain - lol

Enjoy the visit and thanks for coming - check for updates in the Album from time to time !
Family Links
If you want to visit our family photo album, link here
If you want to visit Robyn's Blue's Clues Webpage  link here
If you want to visit Eric's Webpage, link here
If you want to visit Kathryn's Webpage, link here
If you want to visit Kathryn's Stationery, link here
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Thank you to my friend Tami for this-you're so sweet! Please go visit her pages...
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Kathryn Peddle

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