1. Roger N. Howe, Recorder by G. Ellis, Deputy Recorder. Abstract of Marriage Record,
Official Custodian of Records, Recorder's Office, County of San Diego, State of
California. Recorder's Office, County of San Diego, State of California.
2. Marvin C. Albrecht, CW4, USA, Chief, Sep ACT, P. P. C., ECOM. DD Form
214 for MILAM, Charles McRay, 416-26-9769, DOB 1/17/26, Army, RA, Inf., Colonel (0-6), DOR
6/15/72, Retirement at Ft. Monmouth, N. J. on 8/31/75. USA Electronics Command (ECOM), Ft.
Monmouth, N. J. 8/31/75. Page 1 of 1, DD Form 214, for Colonel Charles M Milam,
416-26-9769, 8/31/75.
3. Chairman Board of Trustees & President of the University of
Arkansas. University of Arkansas Diploma for Charles McRay Milam. University of Arkansas,
9 Jun 1951. Individual Award of Diploma.
4. Chairman Board of Trustees & President of the University .. Diploma
awarded to Charles McRay Milam 10 Oct 1975 for a degreeof Master of Business
Administration. Rutherford, NJ, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1 Oct 1975. Diploma
awarded upon graduation.
5. Dr. J. B. Jamerson, attending Physician.. State of Arkansas, State
Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, File # 1431 (A-25404). Camden, Ouachita Co.,
AR, by J. S. Rinehart, Registrar, filed 10 Feb 1926. File # 1431 (A-25404), 1926.
6. Ibid. File # 1431 (A-25402), State of Arkansas, 1926.
7. Camden High School. June 1943 Graduaton Announcement for Camden High
School. Camden High School. Document announcing 1943 Gradustion.
8. Colonel Charles M. Milam, USA Retired. Personal knowledge of events,
places, dates, & people cited. 10 Cherry Tree Court, North LIttle Rock, AR 72116-5102
Tel: (501) 758-4618. See Baptisim Records, 1st Baptist Church, Camden, AR.
9. Chairman Board of Trustees & President of the University .. Diploma
awarded to Charles McRay Milam 10 Oct 1975 for a degreeof Master of Business
Administration. Rutherford, NJ, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1 Oct 1975. Diploma mailed
to Colonel Charles McRay Milam, Retired USA, as he had departed the Ft Monmouth, NJ, area
upon retirement, prior to the Graduation Ceremony at the Rutherford, NJ Campus.
10. Colonel Charles M. Milam, USA Retired. Personal knowledge of events,
places, dates, & people cited. 10 Cherry Tree Court, North LIttle Rock, AR 72116-5102
Tel: (501) 758-4618. Self description.
11. Self entry.
12. Chairman Board of Trustees & President of the University of
Arkansas. University of Arkansas Diploma for Charles McRay Milam. University of Arkansas,
9 Jun 1951. Diploma presented to Charles McRay Milam at Graduation Ceremony 9 Jun 1951, at
the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.
13. Marvin C. Albrecht, CW4, USA, Chief, Sep Act, P.P.C., ECOM. This is
an official U S Army Document that provides a resume of service in the US Military
Services and includes, among other data, specific periods served in the armed forces by
the person being seperated . Ft Monmouth, NJ, 8/31 1975. DD Form 214, Charles McRay Milam,
Male, 416-26-9769, DOB 1 Jan 1926, Army RA Infantry, Colonel (06) date of Rank 15 Jun
1972, Retirement at Ft Monmouth, NJ, effective 31 Aug 1975***.
14. US Government. Billfold Social Security Card issued by the Social
security Administration. Social Security Administraton. Billfold Social Security Card.
15. Colonel Charles M. Milam, USA Retired. Personal knowledge of events,
places, dates, & people cited. 10 Cherry Tree Court, North LIttle Rock, AR 72116-5102
Tel: (501) 758-4618. Nickname from early childhood.
16. State Registrar T. T. Ross, MD. AR State Board of Health-Bureau of
Vital Statistics-Delayed Birth Certificate #159019 ( William Roy was born before the State
of Arkansas required registration of births ). G. Nobles, Senior Clerk, 29 Sep 1944. File
#159019 in Bureau of Vital Statistics.
17. Camden News Editor. Camden News, Camden, AR, in August 1950. Camden
news. I have a photo of the headstone in Greenwood Cemetery.
18. Victor Christgau, Director, Bureau of Old-Age & Survivors
Insurance, Kansas City 5, MO. Ltr. from the Social security Administration to Zula Sewell
(formerly Zula Boyd Milam) re Claim 429-28-5961-G1 with Enclosure, Form OA-C662,
Reconsideration Determination, which states date of William Roy Milam's death as 9 Aug
19. Bill Logue, County Judge, County of McLennan, TX. TX Department of
Health, Bureau of Vital Stastics, Certificate of Birth # 30896 for Zula Boyd, McGregor,
Mclennan Co., TX. County Court, McLennan County, TX, by Nolan Taylor, Deputy County Clerk,
20 Jun 1958.
20. Clyda Goodfellow. Ltr. from Clyda citing names, dates, sources, etc.
of Milam's & Kirk's events. Clyda (Sharp) Goodfellow, P.O. Box 933, Burney, CA 96013.
***J. W. Milam, 23, of Prescott to Lossie Kirk, 20, of Prescott, on 20 Dec 1894, by W. H.
Harris (F-509).
21. Rufus Kirk & Lillian Gordon. Copied bible pages that include
enyries relating to the Kirk Family Key Dates. The Kirks. Bible birth page (copy).
22. Clyda L. Goodfellow, descendent of John Smith.. Records of Ancestors
& Families of Clyda L. Goodfellow gathered from Family Bibles, Official Records, other
family members. Lossie Mae's mother, Emily Jane Smith , was 1/2 Cherokee Indian on her
mother' side of the family.
23. Colonel Charles M. Milam, USA Reitred. MILAM FAMILY- A document
listing all known dates-places-names for this branch of Milams gathered from official
documents, Cemetery Sites, family members still living (by Ltrs & conversation), &
personal knowledge of the preparer. 10 Cherry Tree Court, North Little Rock, AR 72116-5102
Tel: (501) 758-4618.
24. Colonel Charles M. Milam, USA Retired. Personal knowledge of events,
places, dates, & people cited. 10 Cherry Tree Court, North LIttle Rock, AR 72116-5102
Tel: (501) 758-4618.
25. Colonel Charles M. Milam, USA Reitred. MILAM FAMILY- A document
listing all known dates-places-names for this branch of Milams gathered from official
documents, Cemetery Sites, family members still living (by Ltrs & conversation), &
personal knowledge of the preparer. 10 Cherry Tree Court, North Little Rock, AR 72116-5102
Tel: (501) 758-4618. Page 13.
26. Colonel Charles M. Milam, USA Retired. A Family Group Sheet of The
Boyds. Compiled 1994-on-going. page 5.
27. Ibid. page 5.
28. Ibid. page 6.
29. Col. Charles M. Milam, USA Retired (Nephew). Headstone, Camden, AR.
Same as above. page 6.
30. Colonel Charles M. Milam, USA Retired. A Family Group Sheet of The
Boyds. Compiled 1994-on-going. page 6.
31. Ibid. page 6.
32. Ibid. page 4.
33. Ibid. page 4.
34. Porte Walker,. pages # 137-138 Schedule 1-Free Inhabitants in the
Countyof Tishomingo State of Mississippi enumerated by me on the 4 day of August 1860.
(signed)Porter Walker, Asst., Post Office Carolina. page 137.
35. The Milam Family. Grave Site Headstone, Pleasant Ridge Cemetery,
Rosston Hiway # 19, Prescott, Neveda Co., AR. The Milam Family, 24 Mar 1927. Headstone
36. Ibid. Headstone Inscription.
37. Denman family members & Octavia Milam. The Family Bible of John
H. Denman owned by Octavia (Milam) Dunway (Daniel T. (Tobe) Milam's dayghter, and passed
to A. M. Denman just before his death. Ownership passed to A. M. Denman's son, Dale Denman
of Prescott, AR. Copies of pages 81-82 made from the original bible byMary Gail Stuart
Tutt, granddaughter of Andrew M. Denman, Jun 1970, for Marion McKinney Stroud, Gen. Henry
Lee Chapter, Lake Village, AR. pages 81 & 82.
38. The Milam Family. Grave Site Headstone, Pleasant Ridge Cemetery,
Rosston Hiway # 19, Prescott, Neveda Co., AR. The Milam Family, 24 Mar 1927. D. T.
Milam***S. A. MILAM, July 19, 1854, Jan 10, 1929.
39. Colonel Charles M. Milam, USA Reitred. MILAM FAMILY- A document
listing all known dates-places-names for this branch of Milams gathered from official
documents, Cemetery Sites, family members still living (by Ltrs & conversation), &
personal knowledge of the preparer. 10 Cherry Tree Court, North Little Rock, AR 72116-5102
Tel: (501) 758-4618. Page 6 (con't).
40. Clyda Goodfellow. Ltr. from Clyda citing names, dates, sources, etc.
of Milam's & Kirk's events. Clyda (Sharp) Goodfellow, P.O. Box 933, Burney, CA 96013.
***Andrew Milam, 23, of Prescott, to Nannie Landers, 17, of Emmeton 20 Dec 1899, by J.
Edwin Baggarly (H-240).
41. Colonel Charles M. Milam, USA Reitred. MILAM FAMILY- A document
listing all known dates-places-names for this branch of Milams gathered from official
documents, Cemetery Sites, family members still living (by Ltrs & conversation), &
personal knowledge of the preparer. 10 Cherry Tree Court, North Little Rock, AR 72116-5102
Tel: (501) 758-4618. Page 7.
42. Ibid. Page 7.
43. Ibid. Page 8.
44. The mother of Maggie, Lizzie Green (Boggs) Kirk.. Clyda passed
information received from Maggie Aline(Kirk) Trimble Byrd, a granddaughter of Joseph
McGinnis Kirk, that she had a note in her mother's handwriting regarding her grandfather
Kirk's place of birth. Telephone conversation between Clyda Goodfellow and Maggie Aline
(Kirk) Trimble Byrd.
45. James T. Wreyford, 4105 Hazel Street, Texarkanan TX 75503 Tel:(903)
792-4073. Family Group Sheet, 15 Jan 1996. James T. Wreyford, 15 Jan 1996. 1st page.
46. Clyda L. Goodfellow, descendent of John Smith.. Records of Ancestors
& Families of Clyda L. Goodfellow gathered from Family Bibles, Official Records, other
family members. Malita Parrish, Daniel Jackson Smith's 1st wife, listed as Cherokee
47. Rufus Kirk & Lillian Gordon. Copied bible pages that include
enyries relating to the Kirk Family Key Dates. The Kirks. Births Page, Kirk Family Bible.
48. Clyda L. Goodfellow, descendent of John Smith.. Records of Ancestors
& Families of Clyda L. Goodfellow gathered from Family Bibles, Official Records, other
family members. Emily Jane Smith/Joseph McGinnis Kirk Family Group Page.
49. Ibid.
50. Rufus Kirk & Lillian Gordon. Copied bible pages that include
enyries relating to the Kirk Family Key Dates. The Kirks. Births Page of Family Bible.
51. Ibid. Deaths Page Family Bible.
52. Colonel Charles M. Milam, USA Retired. A Family Group Sheet of The
Boyds. Compiled 1994-on-going. page 3.
53. Ibid. page 5.
54. Ibid. page 3.
55. Ibid. page 3.
56. Ibid. page 4.
57. Captain J. W. Swinney, Co C Commanding Officer. Register, Co C, 32
Mississippi Inf.(Confederate) re Jefferson Milam, National Archive #960. Confederate
Archive, Chapter 10, File No.7, page 175, W. A. Huess, Copist. Co C, 32 Mississippi Inf.,
Booneville, Tishomingo Co. (Now Prentiss Co.) 8 Mar 1862. # 960, MILAM, JEFFERSON,Co C, 32
Mississippi Inf. (Confederate)
Confederate Archives, Chap. 10, File No. 7, page 175, W. A. Huess, Copyist.
58. Ibid. #960, MILAM,Jefferson, Co. C, 32 MISSISSIPPI INF. (Confederate)
Registar, National Archive Card Numbers 47777501-7626, 47783238.
59. Franklin County Court Clerk.. Marriage Records, p. 168, County Court
Clerk's Office, Franklin Co., Winchester, TN, for Jan 1838-Jan1875. Winchester, Franklin
Co., TN for period Jan 1838-Jan 1875. page 168.
60. Compiled from the unit record byl Tommy Lochart.. Muster Roll of the
32nd MS Inf. (Confederate) accounting for all enlistees of that unit as recorded in The
National Archives, Washington, D. C. Old Timer Press, P. O. Box572, Ripley, MS 39663, Feb
1982 (1st Printing Sep 1977). page 113.
61. Ibid. ***Jefferson Milam Private ***Co C of 32nd Regt MS Vol born in
Franklin county in the state of Tenn age 42 years, five feet seven inches high dark
complesion black eyes and by profession a farmer enlisted***Booneville March 8th
1862***died at Tupelo MS of disease Jun 25th, 1862.***.
62. Porte Walker,. pages # 137-138 Schedule 1-Free Inhabitants in the
Countyof Tishomingo State of Mississippi enumerated by me on the 4 day of August 1860.
(signed)Porter Walker, Asst., Post Office Carolina. page 238.
64. Compiled from the unit record byl Tommy Lochart.. Muster Roll of the
32nd MS Inf. (Confederate) accounting for all enlistees of that unit as recorded in The
National Archives, Washington, D. C. Old Timer Press, P. O. Box572, Ripley, MS 39663, Feb
1982 (1st Printing Sep 1977). page 113.
65. Porte Walker,. pages # 137-138 Schedule 1-Free Inhabitants in the
Countyof Tishomingo State of Mississippi enumerated by me on the 4 day of August 1860.
(signed)Porter Walker, Asst., Post Office Carolina. page 137.
66. Charlie F. Milam Family. Headstone Photo. New Hope Cemetery, Paynes,
Tallahatchie Co., MS, Dec 1923. Headstone Inscription.
67. G. H. Payne Registrar. MS State Department of Health, Vital Records,
Certificate of Death # 22203, Paynes, Tallahatchie Co., MS. David Lohrisch, Registrar, May
16, 1990. page 1.
68. Colonel Charles M. Milam, USA Reitred. MILAM FAMILY- A document
listing all known dates-places-names for this branch of Milams gathered from official
documents, Cemetery Sites, family members still living (by Ltrs & conversation), &
personal knowledge of the preparer. 10 Cherry Tree Court, North Little Rock, AR 72116-5102
Tel: (501) 758-4618. page 4.
69. R. K. Gordon, Copyist. Co C, 11th Cav. MS (Confederate) (Ham's Reg't
Cav.), Company Muster Roll. From copy(made in the M. S. Office, War Department, in March
1905.) of an original record borrowed from the Director of Archives and History, Jackson,
Miss,--M. S. 938010. pages for C.F. Milam, Pvt.
70. Colonel Charles M. Milam, USA Reitred. MILAM FAMILY- A document
listing all known dates-places-names for this branch of Milams gathered from official
documents, Cemetery Sites, family members still living (by Ltrs & conversation), &
personal knowledge of the preparer. 10 Cherry Tree Court, North Little Rock, AR 72116-5102
Tel: (501) 758-4618. page 3.
71. Charlie F. Milam Family. Headstone Photo. New Hope Cemetery, Paynes,
Tallahatchie Co., MS, Dec 1923. Photo of the Headstone & accompanying photo of New
Hope Cemetery provided by family members.
72. Porte Walker,. pages # 137-138 Schedule 1-Free Inhabitants in the
Countyof Tishomingo State of Mississippi enumerated by me on the 4 day of August 1860.
(signed)Porter Walker, Asst., Post Office Carolina. page 137.
73. The Milam Family. Grave site Headstone Photo, Charleston Cemetery,
Charleston, Tallahatchie Co., MS. Taken at Charleston Cemetery circa 1995 a family member.
Headstone Inscription.
74. Porte Walker,. pages # 137-138 Schedule 1-Free Inhabitants in the
Countyof Tishomingo State of Mississippi enumerated by me on the 4 day of August 1860.
(signed)Porter Walker, Asst., Post Office Carolina. page 137.
75. Ibid. page 137.
76. James T. Wreyford, 4105 Hazel Street, Texarkanan TX 75503 Tel:(903)
792-4073. Family Group Sheet, 15 Jan 1996. James T. Wreyford, 15 Jan 1996. 1st page.
77. James T. Wreyford, 4105 Hazel Street, Texarkana, TX Tel: (903)
792-4073. Family group sheet. James T. Wreyford, 15 Jan 1996. 1st page.
78. James T. Wreyford, 4105 Hazel Street, Texarkanan TX 75503 Tel:(903)
792-4073. Family Group Sheet, 15 Jan 1996. James T. Wreyford, 15 Jan 1996. 1st page.
79. D. J. Smith Family. Family Bible extract. James T. Wreyford, 5105
Hazel Street, Texarkana, TX Tel: (903) 792-4073. 1st page.
80. James T. Wreyford, 4105 Hazel Street, Texarkanan TX 75503 Tel:(903)
792-4073. Family Group Sheet, 15 Jan 1996. James T. Wreyford, 15 Jan 1996. 1st page.
81. Ibid. 1st page.
82. Ibid. 1st page.
83. Ibid. 1st page.
84. Ibid. 1st page.
85. Ibid. 1st page.
86. Ibid. 1st page.
87. Ibid. 1st page.
88. Ibid. 1st page.
89. Ibid. 1st page.
90. Ibid. 1st page.
91. Ibid. 1st page.
92. Ibid. 1st page.
93. Ibid. 1st page.
94. Ibid. 2nd page.
95. Ibid. 2nd page.
96. The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.. Memorial & Genealogical Record
of Texas (East), Containing Biographical Histories & Genealogical Records of Many Men
& Prominent Families. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers, Publishers, 1895. pages 164-166.
97. Ibid. pages 164-166.
98. Ibid. pages 164-166.
99. Ibid. pages 164-166.
100. Ibid. pages 164-166.
101. Ibid. pages 164-166.
102. Ibid. pages 164-166.
103. Ibid. pages 164-166.
104. Ibid. pages 164-166.
105. Ibid. pages 164-166.
106. Ibid. pages 164-166.
107. Ibid. pages 164-166.
108. Ibid. pages 164-166.
109. Ibid. pages 164-166.
110. Ibid. pages 164-166.
111. Ibid. pages 164-167.
112. Ibid. pages 164-166.
113. Ibid. pages 164-166.
114. Ibid. pages 164-166.
115. Byron & Barbara Sistler. 1850 Census, TN, Vol 4, Byron &
Barbara Sistler, 1975, ( Copied from Vol on file in Genealogy Section, North Little Rock
Public Library, R929-37685. Byron Sistler & Associates, 1626 Washington Street,
Evanston, IL 60202. Page 262, Vol. # 4, by Byron and Barbara Sistler, 1975.
116. Ibid. Gi Co., 1049-950.
117. Ibid. Gi Co., 1049-950.
118. Ibid. Gi Co., 1049-950.
119. Ibid. Gi Co., 1049-950.
120. Ibid. Gi Co 1049-950.
121. Goodspeed. Goodspeeds History of AR. Excerptes by Clyda L.
Goodfellow, P.O. Box 933, Burney, CA, a descendent of John Smith. Pages 400, 507, as
written by W. H. Beasley, P.O. Box 155, Waldo, Columbia Co., AR.
122. James T. Wreyford, 4105 Hazel St., Texarkana, TX 75502-Tel. (903)
792-4073.. Extract of the family record of John Smith. 15 Jan 1996. Page 1.
123. Clyda L. Goodfellow, descendent of John Smith.. Records of
Ancestors & Families of Clyda L. Goodfellow gathered from Family Bibles, Official
Records, other family members. 1st page.
124. Ibid. 1st page.
125. The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.. Memorial & Genealogical
Record of Texas (East), Containing Biographical Histories & Genealogical Records of
Many Men & Prominent Families. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers, Publishers, 1895. pages
126. Ibid. pages 164-166.
127. Ibid. pages 164-166.
128. Ibid. pages 164-166.
129. Ibid. pages 164-166.
130. Ibid. pages 164-166.
131. Ibid. pages 164-166.
132. Ibid. pages 164-166.