Homestudies - Questions and Answers

Q: What is a "homestudy?"

A: A homestudy is where a trained social worker comes out to your home to evaluate your skills and the physical home site.

Q: That doesn't tell me much. What kind of questions do they ask? Will they get really personal?

A: Don't get too excited. Let's look at one question at a time. Being nervous about the process is normal.

First, the worker will want to get to know you and your spouse (if applicable). In getting to know you, he/she will ask questions about how you grew up and what your family was like. Yes, some of the questions will be a little personal.

Just think about it. This worker has to get to know you in a very short period of time. He/she is taking a crash course in your life history.

Q: Wow! That is a lot of information to digest. What else will they need to know?

A: The worker will also look at your lifestyle in the present. He/she will have questions about your views of child rearing, who your friends are and what you do for fun.

Q: Why do they really need to know all of this about me?

A: Foster and/or adoptive parents are very important people in the life of a child. Workers want to make sure that you are ready to work with children who have been abused or neglected.

Q: Will they run a record check on me?

A: Yes, some states even require finger prints. A child abuse and neglect check will also be completed.

Q: What about a doctors examine? I hate going to the Doctor.

A: Just as we want to be sure you are mentally ready to care for a special child, we want to be sure you are physically ready, too.

Q: What about my house? Will they be peeking in every corner?

A: Style of home interviews vary with each state and worker. Fire extinguishers and smoke detectors are a must. The worker will walk through your entire home to be sure that your home meets state and local requirements for fostering. These requirements are made especially for homes that will be taking care of state children.

Q: It sounds like a lot of work. Will the worker be there to answer any questions, even after she has left my house?

A: Your worker is there to answer any questions that you may have before, during and after your study. The workers at our agency, Catholic Services for Children and Youth, are very friendly and willing to spend the extra time needed to address any of your questions or concerns.

Q: Thanks!!

A: No problem. We are here to help you.