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Welcome to my family page

Here I will tell you about the 2 people I am looking for information about. 

First of all is my grandfather, John Ferguson. 

Next is about a cousin, Jeffrey Carl Keith.

First of all, I am looking for serious information about my grandfather whose name is John Ferguson. I know that he was born in Motherwell, Scotland on May 26, 1911, that he lived in Buffalo for 47 years. I also  know that he was married twice, the first one was to my grandmother Irene Story, the second time to Henrietta Meyer. He was working at the Hood Welding Co. as a welder. I think he came to the US in 1925,  became a naturalized citizen sometime after that. He served during WWII in the Army. He died on March 10, 1972 and is buried at Buffalo Cemetery, Cheektowaga, NY. I don’t know if he has a middle name or not. I know that  his father is William Ferguson who was born on October 4, 1889 and died on  May 1, 1966. His mother’s name is Jessie; unfortunately I don’t know her maiden name. I know that all three came to the US at the same time  but I have no other information on them.

Secondly I would like to know where my nephew,  Jeffrey Carl Keith, last name was later changed to Kaplan. His mother’s name is Irene Francis Ferguson Abel. I think one father’s name may be John Keith but we don’t know for sure and the other one I don't know at all. Below are some pictures of Jeffrey when he was younger and one is with his 2 sisters.


This is my Genealogy part.

I hope that you will find this very interesting. On this site will be sites to places like About.com and other sites. I do hope that you find this place useful. 

I will have a link to a different site just for the two relatives that I am looking for.

Some sites are general; others are more direct. I hope that I have helped to point you in the right  directions. A number of these sites even have people to help you out if you have a question about something. If you would like me to add more sites or if any of them don't work, please let me know. There are plenty of books for the genealogists as well  so there is plenty of help out there


Family Tree Genealogy Research Guide

Family Group Sheets

Ancestor’s Social Security application form


Correspondence Records

Family Genealogy Online






Archaic Medical Terms for Genealogists

Genealogy and Genetics

Disease Names

Hereditary Disease Foundation






Find A Grave

Locating Famous Graves (and not so Famous Persons)





Census Age Calculator 

Family Tree maker’s census abstract collection 

Online Searchable census records





Association of Personal Historians

Creating a Family History Book

A Genealogist’s Post-Vacation Checklist

Everton’s RV-n-Go Genealogist site

A List of Occupations

Genealogy Record Search

Before Your Trip: Doing Your Homework

Leaving a legacy

Celebrate a Life

Family history, education; research

Choosing Family Book’s Focus

Miscellaneous Lookups

Translation Services

Directory of Bilingual, Multilingual dictionaries

Travelang’s Translating Dictionaries











History of Immigration: Laws

Family Workings immigrations information links

Immigration & Ships Passenger Lists

Immigration &  Naturalization Service




U.S. National Archives and Records Administration

Fed personal records

Casualty lists for Vietnam War

Forms Needed to Order Records

National Personnel Records Center

Military Personnel and Medical Record Collection

Request & order forms

Nara’s links of official organizations

RootsWeb’s Guide, U.S Military Records

National Archive Northeast Region

Samples of military service records available

National Archives



Alternate to Census Online

Vital Check

Center for Health Stats

Vital Records information (U.S., International)

Online Census Materials

Where to Write

The information contained on this page comes from a variety of sources, but relies heavily on the Everything Family Tree Book by William G. Hartley (Adams Media, 1998) and Ancestors: A Beginner’s Guide to Family History & Genealogy by Jim & Terry Willard with Jane Wilson (Houghton Miffin Company, 1997).


Other Sites,

Coronado, Crafts, Quilting