Darlene - 11/14/00 23:50:25 My URL:http://www.pointoffocus.com/ My Email:darlene@zip.com.au How did you find me?: http://www.pointoffocus.com/ | Comments: I am stunned! You are a remakable women. Love and best wishes to you and your family. |
Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook
Fawn - 09/28/00 19:12:27 My URL:http://millershauntedrealm.homestead.com/Page1.html How did you find me?: A friend | Comments: Oh Phyllis!! I am so sorry for you! How sad! I just cried..I am so glad you got the children thou!! And that they have you! Love those children and keep them safe! Stay safe yourself. Hugs to you! |
Joanne - 09/28/00 18:15:19 My Email:twinee38 How did you find me?: From Jacqui | Comments: Dear Phyllis May God Bless you, and continue to give you strength. You are one unique person. I know you son is looking down on you, and is smiling for taking good care of his kids. Thank you for sharing you heart touching story. Hugs Joanne |
Marie - 09/28/00 16:43:01 My Email:EJJACMMOM@aol.com How did you find me?: Through an email from a fellow list member | Comments: My thoughts and prayers are with you Phyllis! |
Ed Havanas - 08/14/00 00:29:04 My URL:/Heartland/ My Email:ehavanas@charterpa.net How did you find me?: Judy E Webpage search Conjugial Love ->Soul Mates | Comments: It is said the feelings of Heaven are ineffable, there are some down here too, that words to not describe! |
Invidia - 06/19/00 08:06:21 My URL:http://www.invidiagraphics.com My Email:invidia@invidiagraphics.com How did you find me?: Point of Focus Website | Comments: Phyllis, When I read a story like David's my heart fills with an indescribable sorrow. The air seems too heavy and dark to breathe and my eyes sting with tears. And I never had the pleasure of knowing your son - your pain must be beyond measure. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Blessings, --Invdidia |
Nancylane - 04/26/00 00:29:50 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/nancylane My Email:nancylanes@hotmail.com How did you find me?: Homicide web ring | Comments: I felt the heavy sadness in my heart when I read David's story. The senseless loss of a son, father, and loved one. Twenty years is not long enough. Why can't people care? I can not understand the people who witnessed that crime and kept silent. I lost my granddaughter five years ago, and if anyone knows, they still remain silent. My thoughts are with you. Nancylane |
Debbie Wiley - 03/16/00 17:29:50 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nt/moms My Email:DWiley7346@aol.com How did you find me?: web ring | Comments: It is unacceptable to me how someone can take the life of another human being. I feel your pain, I too lost my firstborn son to homicide. My prayers to you and your family. |
Debbie Wiley - 03/16/00 17:24:45 | Comments: |
ms.Nickels - 02/03/00 02:35:02 My Email:misshecklen@aol.com How did you find me?: my friend | Comments: I remember the night that you phoned me to let me know that you were going to Arizonia....My heart ached with fear the entire time that I was trying to convince you that everthing was okay, but in the back of my mind I knew that you were right....I coul never know the hurt and loss thatyou felt then, or even now....but I want you to always remember that you have always been a special friend to me, and I do share your loss.....I pray that the hurt and anger are overtaken by the special memories that you eep in your heart....and always remember that I am always here..... your friend Helen |
Star - 11/10/99 05:40:15 How did you find me?: Grammie | Comments: You are one Special Lady, Grammie and your Special Angel will always be with you..... |
Ken Busch - 10/27/99 06:52:50 My URL:http://dreamwater.com/homsurvivors/ My Email:kbuschphx@aol.com How did you find me?: Through the WebRing | Comments: I am SO sorry for your loss. While I don't know how you feel, I do understand your loss. My first born child was murdered too. She was 7 years old. I would just like to add, I am not originally from Arizona, but since I have been here for a little over a year, I wish I could have been here at the time, and perhaps helped David in his time of need. I would have never turned my back. May God, and your Grandchildren comfort you as you learn to live with this tragedy. Ken Busch |
Tammy - 10/06/99 21:15:16 My Email:Tamkayla@aol.com | Comments: I just wanted to say I am so sorry for the loss of you son. What a wonderful thing to raise those four children. God Bless. |
Royal - 09/23/99 05:43:01 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/6943/ My Email:miette@netinc.ca How did you find me?: surfing | Comments: very nice work keep it up |
Tammy Mullins - 06/15/99 13:59:54 My Email:tmdade@aol.com How did you find me?: Carolyn Massey | Comments: Phyllis Mom forwarded your web page about David to me this morning. It is a beautiful tribute to David. Just wanted to drop you a quick message and let you know that I think of you and the family often and say a prayer for you. I cannot even begin to realize t e pain and loss the family has been through, so sometimes prayer is the best thing you can offer someone in times like these. Take care! Love Tammy |
Erin - 05/10/99 22:23:45 My URL:http://www.formom.usaweb.nu My Email:sads@wideworld.net How did you find me?: webring | Comments: This is a beautiful site. I'm sure David's proud of it. It's awful what you had to go through. God bless you. |
Jonathan - 04/13/99 23:24:48 How did you find me?: angel | Comments: what a heart breaking story. what is wrong with those freaks that just watched your son get murdered? I cant believe that the murderers only got 18 years, what is wrong with our judicial system?! Best of luck, Jon |
SE TEXAS - 02/25/99 01:20:08 | Comments: |
PAULA JAMES - 01/28/99 18:34:38 My Email:PJAMES1964@AOL.COM | Comments: I have really enjoyed visiting your sites. |
Kathalise Martin - 01/13/99 06:35:13 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heaartland/Flats/2156 My Email:jkmartin@kymtnnet.org How did you find me?: Webring | Comments: David is such a handsome young man. How proud you must be of him. I am so sorry for your loss. I know there is nothing I can say that hasn't already been said a million times. My heart breaks for you, your family and his children. God Bless you! may you f nd some peace and joy in the children whose life you now enrich and I am sure unrich yours. |
Karen - 01/11/99 01:39:54 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/4922/ My Email:karenmccombs@greenwood.net How did you find me?: Webring | Comments: I'm so sorry fow the loss of your son. I know how you feel. My firstborn was murdered May 12th 1998. He was 25. God be with you. |
Ron Emary - 12/16/98 04:06:37 My Email:k212@rocketmail.com How did you find me?: From CPD Guestbook | Comments: What a wonderful site to maintain the memory of your son. I work for Chandler PD, and was minimaly involved with David's case. I hope you and your family are doing well. |
lseedle - 11/30/98 03:11:23 My Email:lseedle@aol.com How did you find me?: your friend. | Comments: David was a good man and a friend.PHYLLIS you are a strong woman.GOD be with you and keep you .and GOD keep DAVID in is HOLLOW HAND OF THE LOAD.THE KIDS WILL MAKE IT OK. and me to. LOVE LARRY |
Kachina - 11/19/98 05:14:37 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/RightSide/index.html My Email:schoenro@gisco.net How did you find me?: Webring | Comments: Phyllis, my heart aches for the loss of your precious son David. I thank you for introducing us to him so that we could know of his life. I have a son named David and I cant imagine losing him. Your David sounds like he was a most wonderful person and I am happy you have those precious children in your life. God be with you. Blessings, Kachina |
Karrie - 11/07/98 23:11:45 My Email:KWicks78 How did you find me?: Through You | Comments: Can barely see to type through my tears, Phyllis. Your story is so well written but through it all lies a slender thread ... the thread of HOPE. Hope for you in that you have David's children. Even more hope for the children because through you they can earn of the loving, caring Dad they could not see. God bless you all. |
Pamela S. Rowse, R.N. - 10/20/98 06:16:15 My URL:http://www.kierraharrison.com My Email:wownurse@aol.com How did you find me?: Link from Victims Page | Comments: The loss of a child is devastating no matter what the age or the circumstances...our love and prayers for you are circulating...! |
Mickeal - 09/18/98 13:46:28 My URL:http://members.aol.com/mickealva My Email:mickealva@aol.com How did you find me?: Link from guestbook | Comments: I'm so sorry about your loss...What a beautiful home page for your son..... |
Gary Heath - 09/02/98 07:04:18 My Email:glskheath@earthlink.com How did you find me?: Dawn Sullivan | Comments: I am a friend and co-worker of Dawn's. We have discussed this horrible crime that was such a shock to our community. God bless all the children, and the special people such as you that watch over them. |
dawn sullivan - 08/31/98 18:49:44 My Email:@hotmail.com | Comments: phyllis...beautifully done, and i still mourn for the loss of that beautiful smile and soul. you know that...i'm glad that you're a strong person, and i know that david smiles from heaven and watches over all of you... |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Please visit my website too
Theresa A. Niksick - 08/27/98 05:48:12 My URL:http://members.aol.com/darsy31/linkspg.html My Email:Darsy31@aol.com How did you find me?: The survivors of homicide web ring | Comments: I am so sorry to hear about your terrible loss. It is such a horrible thing to have to go through. I have been feeling the pain for 16 years now over the murder of my father, it still feels like yesterday it happened. The police know who his killer is but the man is free because of a technicality. I have created a web site for people like us. I have message boards and chat, lord knows there is not enough support groups anywhere so I decided to start my own. I would also be honored to add your loved one to y memorial page. Please check out my site. Together I believe we all can make a difference! Hugs and you are in my prayers, Theresa A. Niksick ![]() |
Kim J - 08/18/98 16:52:51 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~joneszone My Email:joneszone@geocities.com How did you find me?: web ring | Comments: Hi Granny! I was just out visiting the ring and wanted to say hi! hugs...kim |
- 08/17/98 12:12:06 | Comments: |
- 08/16/98 17:14:44 | Comments: |
Judi Walker - 08/14/98 23:20:46 My URL:http://members.aol.com/Tweet24798/ShanesPage.html My Email:Tweet24798@aol.com How did you find me?: web ring | Comments: I am so sorry for the loss of your son David, this site you have created is a beautiful tribute to his memory. He lives on through his children, so he has left you a wonderful gift of life. I too lost my son by the hands of another. You will be in my thou hts and prayers, God bless you. |
Brent - 08/12/98 14:06:48 My Email:Guard@reston.vmd.sterling.com How did you find me?: A Friend Referred Me | Comments: You are a very strong woman, because of you those kids will be able to live as normal a life that any child could under these conditions. I am so sorry about your loss, you and the kids are in my prayers. |
Sherry - 08/01/98 02:47:04 | Comments: I love it, Phyllis. Thanks. |
Diana - 07/23/98 23:39:21 My Email:Dihannah1@aol.com How did you find me?: Lori | Comments: David was so lucky to have such a loving mother such as you! God Bless you and those children. I admire you for taking in two other children. God must have known that such a strong person and a good woman could do that. I have 2 children and won't even try to say I can comprehend the pain you've been through, because to think about it is too painful alone. I have you in my prayers. And again God Bless you and your family! |
judy - 07/21/98 23:37:08 My Email:bouvi43204@aol.com How did you find me?: lori/playkat | Comments: deepest sympathy ...God be with you and aid in your comfort! |
Erin - 07/21/98 22:32:29 My Email:Emyhoney77@aol.com How did you find me?: Playkat69 | Comments: |
Kevin - 07/21/98 21:39:52 My Email:kevin204@aol.com How did you find me?: Lori sent the link | Comments: your all in my prayers. |
Nancy - 07/21/98 17:57:30 My Email:Biggirl693@aol.com How did you find me?: Lori | Comments: Im so sorry.. |
Rob Finkes - 07/21/98 15:40:43 My Email:trubl321@aol.com How did you find me?: Lori | Comments: |
STEVE - 07/16/98 21:33:10 My Email:RELBIGFSH8 How did you find me?: IM SUEBIRD3'S GRANDSON | Comments: |
Lucille - 07/09/98 05:40:15 My URL:http://wwwgeocities.com/ My Email:chacha502@aol.com How did you find me?: survivors of homicide | Comments: I feel your pain,bless you,you are so fortunate to have your beatiful grandchildren,Your David sounds like he was wonderful...Lucille...a murdered heart |
Alyssa - 07/06/98 04:53:51 My URL:/~asiah My Email:asiah@concentric.net How did you find me?: Survivors of Homicide | Comments: I live in Arizona and remember this story quite clearly. Everyone I know was outraged that not one witness called the police. Didn't anyone think it was odd enough to call the police? We must learn to get involved. My sincerest condolences go to your fa ily for your sons untimely death. |
Alyssa - 07/06/98 04:52:08 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~asiah My Email:asiah@concentric.net How did you find me?: Survivors of Homicide | Comments: I live in Arizona and remember this story quite clearly. Everyone was outraged that not one witness called the police. Didn't anyone think it was odd enough to call the police? We must learn to get involved. My sincerest condolences go to your family fo your sons untimely death. |
Bren - 07/03/98 14:22:30 My Email:blpmom4 How did you find me?: through email | Comments: I'm very sorry for your loss. Take comfort in knowing that your guardian angel is smiling down at you watching you raise his beautiful children. Thank you for sharing your story. I hope everyone that reads it takes the time to give their children that extra" hug today. Bren |
Chris - 07/03/98 12:16:23 My Email:JChrist606@aol.com How did you find me?: thru SueBird3 | Comments: Having been in Law enforcement of some sort my whole life Im sorry Chris |
Kenrda - 07/02/98 12:08:05 | Comments: This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. |
Kenrda - 07/02/98 12:04:00 | Comments: This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. |
Nancy Murtha - 06/27/98 03:10:04 My Email:GirlGeorgi How did you find me?: through Jody, and your e-mail | Comments: wow, what a wonderful thing you are doing to raise your sons 4 children. i am in shock as i read your page. i cant believe that all those people saw and did nothing? what is happening to the world around us? what is wrong with people? my heart goes out to you. give my best to those children. you are all in my prayers. Nancy |
Kim - 06/26/98 20:24:50 My Email:LtKLee@aol.com How did you find me?: from Phyllis | Comments: What a heart wrinching story.......I'm so sorry this had to happen. But I believe that David lives on in the hearts of his children.....and all the good he did for them will come back to be YOUR best accomplishment. What a wonderful person you are for b ing so strong for the kids. |
Annette - 06/26/98 18:17:49 My URL:http://members.aol.com/KarenAnnK/Karens.html My Email:KarenAnnK@aol.com How did you find me?: webring | Comments: Phyliss, I'm so sorry about the loss of your son, may you know that others care and are thinking of you.God Bless |
Jeanette Hilton - 06/25/98 03:27:26 My Email:Jalopy131@aol.com How did you find me?: in country and oldies room | Comments: You are one great woman.. Phyl.. my heart goes out to you.. I am comitted to a non violent life.. after living in one too long.. and I raised my kids alone to get away from a husband that threatened me countless times..God Bless you! |
Larry Kapsinow - 06/22/98 02:39:54 My Email:Rulawr@aol.com How did you find me?: E-Mail | Comments: I am so sorry about the loss of your first-born. It made me cry . I also was in the Navy during WW2 |
brian - 06/22/98 00:52:16 My Email:ravenloftbj@rocketmail.com How did you find me?: my wife(kim) joneszone | Comments: very touching im sorry for your loss courage and strength in times like these are hard to find but my prayers are with you..... |
Lori - 06/20/98 23:04:52 My Email:PlayKat69@aol.com How did you find me?: Forwarded Link | Comments: Phyllis...as your cousin...and watching you go through this...I saw strength and determination from you that made me proud of you and want to keep you in my heart. The amazing way that you faced the most horrible thing that could happen to a mother of a hild showed an example of the strength that comes within. We know that your love continues for David through the care that you give his children. As we all miss David..we know that your pain is the greatest. Remember...We love you! |
Susan - 06/20/98 16:22:56 My Email:sftnwrm@aol.com How did you find me?: your link | Comments: My thoughts and prayers are with you always. Phyl....this is a poignant tribute to your son. God Bless. |
joni - 06/20/98 15:45:13 My Email:soagie42 How did you find me?: destiny! | Comments: I do share your pain, because I have a son! Love You |
Gerri Kirkhum - 06/20/98 13:52:24 My Email:Deena Too | Comments: You did a wonderful job......I don't know if I could have done it.....You are a very strong person......Love, Gerri |
Denise - 06/20/98 11:20:19 My Email:ceecjjj@aol.com How did you find me?: Sd1136's sister | Comments: Your story touched my heart, you must be an extremely strong person to handle this. God bless you and keep giving you the strength you need to go on remember........... The sky has to get dark first before you can see the stars. |
Linda Pyatt - 06/20/98 10:30:39 My Email:Babybrats9@aol.com How did you find me?: your e-mail | Comments: My friend...you told me this story about a year ago and it broke my heart then and it does now...I will pray for you every day and those children....You are a very special lady...one that I am sure will be blessed over and over for not only taking your gr ndchildren but someone elses also...Love and Prayers...Linda |
Fannie - 06/20/98 09:15:52 My Email:fjau | Comments: I am sorry for your loss. Your and your family are in my prayers |
Greta Sheton - 06/20/98 05:36:26 My Email:lovin2sing@aol.com | Comments: My heart goes out to you..God bless you and keep you..in the hollow of his hand. I am so thankful you have these children..with you. Thank you for sharing your story..Know it must not be easy to do that..Prayers and love, greta |
Linda/IslandKiss - 06/20/98 03:55:57 My URL:http://members.aol.com/islandkiss My Email:IslandKiss@aol.com How did you find me?: Through a Link | Comments: I am very sorry about your son, David. I wish he could still be here, and I wish you could still enjoy seeing him. I think it is great that you made a website dedicated to David. I know you still love him, and he still loves you, and you will see each other again. Hold tight to your memories and dreams of him until that glorious day, Sweet Mother of David. God Bless You. |
Paul - 06/20/98 03:14:17 My Email:indian 1 stp@aol.com How did you find me?: you told me | Comments: it was beautiful.. i also feel so sorry for you.. |
Gene Peters - 06/20/98 03:09:09 My Email:MUSICLVR44@aol.com How did you find me?: not hard to find wonderful people | Comments: |
sue - 06/20/98 02:50:14 My Email:suebird3 How did you find me?: my friend | Comments: Phyl .. i cant even see with all my tears .. i love you dearly and wish i could comfort you a little ..but i know there is nothing that will help .. you did a beautiful job and im so proud to call you 'friend" love you , Sue |