Welcome to my Guestbook! I hope you enjoyer our site. Please bookmark this site.

Lois - 11/28/00 22:53:21
My URL:http://quads9.homestead.com/
My Email:Quad-dad@juno.com
Peeked at your website about your multiples.. It's great having Multiples. Here is our site about our Quadruplets, come see our home on the web anytime. Lois mom to 9 great kids Quad-Dad@juno.com Our home pages.... http://quads9.homestead.com/

Bad Bunny - 11/05/00 06:31:05
My URL:http://www.badbunnny.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen

DDTamiSue - 04/05/00 00:01:13
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com
My Email:DDTamiSue@aol.com

Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? Come join the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to join our web ring.

Melinda - 02/09/00 22:06:19
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Ms_Juliet/melindaswebring.htm
My Email:gopintos@socket.net
Hi there!! I am a member of Housework Sucks! and I just wanted to drop in and say hello! Also, you have a great site!! I really enjoyed my visit :-)

Camala Blanchard - 01/05/00 22:37:44
My URL:http://N/A
My Email:camalab@hotmail.com
What do you like about my site?: that you guys are so cute
What do you dislike about my site?: nothing at all
What is you favorite Family/Kid's site?: none
you guys are so cute, I'm a triplet myself.There are 2 girls and a boy.so good luck in the future!

Susan - 09/28/99 16:51:10
My URL:http://home.att.net/~dallet/
You have a great site! Please come visit us!

- 07/05/99 19:13:48
there beautiful kids :))

Tony Lane - 06/18/99 12:59:11
My Email:luckeylanes@wcnet.org
Hi, I was just looking at what the other lane families were doing on the net when I came across yours. My wife and I are the parents of twin 16 year olds. We always wondered what it would have been like with triplets. We live in Luckey, Ohio.

Dionna - 05/13/99 00:30:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/homeofus
My Email:hams137sd@aol.com
What do you like about my site?: All the beautiful pictures
What do you dislike about my site?: no family photos
What is you favorite Family/Kid's site?: my 2 sites
What cute kiddies! I love your site, so many great pictures! Thank you for allowing me into your home. Come meet my family and my kids have their own pages, even have a game with a surprise if you finish! You cn also go to my Precious Treasures site and meet many kids from all over the world! You may even add your kids to it! Have a great day! Thanx Dionna

Charlene - 04/27/99 04:06:29
What do you like about my site?: your beautiful famly
Just checking for updates after your HOM posting. Keep up the great page!

tlock - 04/07/99 04:18:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/7134
My Email:M.lock@juno.com
What do you like about my site?: gumballs
What do you dislike about my site?: nothing liked it all
What is you favorite Family/Kid's site?: parentsplace
Hey Loved your pages.. looking good...

Ozma - 04/07/99 03:25:17
My URL:http://www.bright.net/~megabyte
My Email:megabyte@bright.net
What do you like about my site?: It's yours!! :)
Hey there Merril! I visited your site and loved seeing the new picture! Great to put a face with the name.. Take care and keep up the good work!!

Lea Paakanen - 03/26/99 16:33:40
My Email:dlp@attcanada
Love going through loking at and admiring other people multiples.I would eventually like to build a web page of my own.I have 3yr old triplet boys, and three girls 5,8,11.

Jenni - 02/25/99 05:24:45
My URL:http://uhsweb.edu/rbc/rbchtm
My Email:jetnbrenni@aol.com
What do you like about my site?: cute pics of the triplets
What do you dislike about my site?: need pics of the parents!!!
What is you favorite Family/Kid's site?: Mine, The Campbell triplet Web Page!
Cute triplets. It was fun talking to you!

Jan Antonell - 02/09/99 21:03:45
My URL:http://fantaja.com
My Email:fantaja@geocities.com
What do you like about my site?: Well done and enjoyable
What do you dislike about my site?: nothing
Just joined the houseworksucks webring and was surfing around. Triplets! My God you have energy! Take care.

Purplelyna - 02/03/99 06:12:29
My URL:/Heartland/Bluffs/9380/
My Email:purplelyna@geocities.com
What do you like about my site?: i got a laugh from your HOUSE WORK SUCK web ring
What do you dislike about my site?: the pop up adds
What is you favorite Family/Kid's site?: my daughters, Coty's TeaPot
Hello Lane Family
Hello my name is Purplelyna, and I'm your local Community Leader at Geocities. I'm writing to you in case you might need my help. I visited your site today and it looks great, I just love the colours you use. So come an visit me, if you are in need of elp at Geo.

I Love Purple Graphics.....

jlenz524 - 01/21/99 00:11:21
My Email:jlenz524@aol.com
What do you like about my site?: yes
What do you dislike about my site?: look at comments
i was looking for infor about getting reading for triplets to arrive. just need some to get me started in the right dir. if you had any outside help can you please let me know. thanks

Carri - 11/20/98 21:47:26
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jckallers
What do you like about my site?: Everything!
What do you dislike about my site?: Nothing!
What is you favorite Family/Kid's site?: PBS
Hi Merril just stopping in to check if you did any changes! Love your page! ~Love, Carri

ozma - 11/18/98 05:17:48
My URL:http://www.bring.net/~megabyte
My Email:megabyte@bright.net
What do you like about my site?: the family stuff
What is you favorite Family/Kid's site?: www.nickjr.com
Hey! You gave me your addy and so I came! Amazing stuff! Triplets! Wow!

Char - 11/16/98 19:41:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/3545
My Email:morganchar@geocities.com
What do you like about my site?: photos of the triplets
What do you dislike about my site?: nothing...it's great!
What is you favorite Family/Kid's site?: Barney or Sesame Street
You have beautiful children...looking forward to chatting with you on ICQ! momo

Marcia Grant - 09/17/98 02:16:49
My Email:grantlaw@megavision.com
What do you like about my site?: the kids pics!!!
What do you dislike about my site?: nothing
What is you favorite Family/Kid's site?: unsure--haven't seen that many
Hi Merril--I loved the kids photos. What sweet little faces & what scary climbers!! Marcia (from HOM list)

lisa monroe - 09/17/98 00:01:41
My Email:momx4@webtv.com
What do you like about my site?: pics

Tammy Creek - 09/16/98 23:45:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/9219
My Email:tripmom@prodigy.net
What do you like about my site?: cute kids!
What do you dislike about my site?: nothing, it's great
What is you favorite Family/Kid's site?: Most, Triplets Connection
Great site Merril! Your kids are darling

Mary - 08/30/98 04:56:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/prairie/5782
My Email:darrin@neosplice.com
What do you like about my site?: I like your kids pics and pooh!!
What do you dislike about my site?: nothing
What is you favorite Family/Kid's site?: Barney and Blues Clues
Good page,, keep up the good work! I really like your pooh page! And you have some adorable kids!!

Gina - 07/28/98 22:19:18
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.net/gdpeterson
My Email:gdpeterson@prodigy.net
What do you like about my site?: The photo cube is cute.
What is you favorite Family/Kid's site?: My girls like http://www.anya.com the Anastasia movie website.
I thought you said this didn't work.

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