Hello and Welcome to my Guestbook. These are all the people who have signed in. I would like to thank them for their time and patience.

Lawless - 09/04/00 05:24:16
My Email:Lawless@centurytel.net

Hey!Just thought I would say Hi while I was here!!! Talk to you later.Bye!!!

m hodge - 07/30/00 23:48:56
My Email:poodleslaw
Favorite web page: yours


Angelika - 11/14/99 15:08:28
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/scentual/homepage
My Email:scentual@mediaone.net

I am so glad to hear from you. I agree completely with your observations, maybe they should print out your page and put on all the on ramps of any highway.

hoy - 10/27/99 03:37:30
My Email:bmwjai328@aol.com

hi: I'm first time visit your webpage .cool man! nexttime when you come to my restaurant you tell me how to creat the home page,ok? you 'r a nice guy.also is good friend of mine.i hope can see you every single day.have a nice weekend!

Tammy - 09/11/99 11:16:51
My Email:hotbabe100@hotmail.com

Hey, it's the girl at Pilot....checking out your web page. It's pretty cool! Let me take this opportunity to thank you once again for my piglett. It sits right on my bed. I love it! Thanks again. You're a real sweetie!!

FatJac - 05/16/99 21:39:42
My Email:fatjac@planetdirect.com

Hell I finnally found your damm webpage! I intend to stop back by later to check out the idiotif page. here is the web page address i told you about check it out www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Mansion/4787/index.html atalateradate: FatJac Not 4 sure__Mt. vernon TA

Purplelyna - 01/21/99 01:54:31
My URL:/Heartland/Bluffs/9380
My Email:purplelyna@geocities.com
Favorite web page: mine...

Gooday Mate...
I wanted to introduce my self, as your Community Leader, and offer you my assistance if you ever might need it around Geocities.
I just wanted to say hello and say what a good page you have in the Idiots page. I can't stand bad drivers...

Awake - 10/24/98 01:09:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/4185
My Email:awakee@aol.com
Favorite web page: disney.com

Hi Sweetie, very long time no see.. what a wonderful little page you have here.. hope to see you again sometime...Awake

Tennessee Lady - 10/11/98 01:41:19
My Email:m10aclady@hotmail.com
Favorite web page: yours , of course

Good Job High!!!!!! I feel like a celebrity now since you mentioned me as your friend!!!! (((((((HUGS)))))))

LocoAl - 10/05/98 00:18:20
My Email:allen@pdn.net

You might want to call this Highlander's Offensive Driving page!! Nice work. Keep it up!

bear - 10/03/98 00:31:00
My Email:animal@nature.org

this be a nice site...especially liked the food you set out.

Cynwite1 - 09/28/98 13:01:38
My Email:Cynwite@cmsinter.net

Hey High Great Page! As I consider you my mentor sure hope I can twist your arm on one of your fdays off to teach me how to Create my own Web page. Your a great man and I am proud to know you and thank you for all the help youve given me to learn the ropes. Thanks Big guy!!

Jazzy - 09/27/98 17:18:34
My Email:kjg@centuryitner.net

You mean we finally have a place to go like the good old days. When I recieved this url I was so excited to see all the friends I made when I first started chatting now I only have to get authorized LOL.. Can't wait to start chatting with a great group of people.Thanks Highlander.......

mbutterfly-butterfly-butter-bandb I think that is all my nicks lol - 09/27/98 16:16:55
My Email:bandb@centuryinter.net

hey I like the your an idiot if..... meet all kinds on the twisty back roads here in Arkansas.

Ghost_of_Flier - 09/27/98 13:09:03
My Email:ghost_of_flier@hotmail.com

great to see u again ,,,,,,keep safe on the road ,,,,,,good luck ,,,,be watching for u to be around ,,,,,

& legnA - 09/27/98 03:37:31
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/binary/624/page2html
My Email:kay@triumph.net
Favorite web page: I still like Granny's

Great start here. Good Luck with the web page and the chat room. If you want advice you know where to find us....... Legs.....

Kitty - 08/24/98 19:36:14
My URL:http:// You Know..lol
My Email:kit_ti@yahoo.com

Hi guy, this is my second time here. Love the hp... lots of hours here... see you later.....hugs

Holly - 07/19/98 18:08:02
My Email:hollyk5@hotmail.com

This is great!! Can't wait to see it when it's done!

RNurse - 07/15/98 03:28:18

Good beginning

Ruby1 - 07/15/98 00:40:19
My Email:nanette@midusa.com

good start!

turtletoes - 07/14/98 23:03:01
Favorite web page: washington post

Well, I can finally talk on here now. I hope high's bro puts in ourscanner soo we can scan photos to high to put on his page. Is looking good so far. Will keep any eye on it.

Pharmteck(PT)-Carolyn F. - 07/14/98 19:00:24
My Email:ste-font@centuryinter.net

doing good so far, keep up the good work

PT (Carolyn F.) - 07/14/98 18:59:01
My Email:ste-font@centuryinter.net

doing good so far, keep up the good work

WARLORD - 07/14/98 01:06:03
Favorite web site: BROTHERS HOMEPAGE


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