Welcome to my Guestbook!

Rachel Secours - 11/29/00 01:53:34
My Email:secours@sympatico.ca

Hi there my maiden name is Rachel Flegg. I'm from Ottawa, Ontario Canada. Glad to see there's more Fleggs out there!!

louiseflegg - 11/15/00 13:35:35
My Email:louiseflegg@hotmail.com

Hey there from England! I am from the Flegg family on my father's side. Good luck with tracing your history and do you think this means we are related somewhere down the line?!

Bad Bunny - 11/05/00 06:28:32
My URL:http://www.badbunnny.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen

steph - 09/27/00 20:32:55
My Email:suductiveitalian@aol.com

hi cyndi this is steph flegg..and i was wondering..do i know u? r u related to me? cuz i do not have a aunt named cyndi that lives in nebraska..sorry

Kevin Preiss - 06/14/00 06:12:31
My Email:preisspetrano@netzero.net

Your page is very impressive. I can tell that it was prepared by a German.

Kim Flowers (or silly) - 03/20/00 18:08:33
My URL:/CollegePark/Square/4038
My Email:silly_1979@hotmail.com

TOTALLY AWESOME page!!!!!!!!!8-)8-)8-)

Chantal Flegg - 03/11/00 10:02:36
My Email:chantal@powerup.com.au

Hi, I am a flegg by marriage, my son is Michael Flegg and my ex-husband is Ian John. His father is Leon Alfred Flegg and his family are from Newcastle in NSW Australia.

Myrna Ferris - 03/06/00 20:53:26
My Email:myndee@easynet.ca

Hello distant cousin I am a first cousin to Darlene Ferris-Purdy (granddaughter of Frank Ferris) who you have already met. Have been working on Ferris family tree for several years but have just got on the net. Enjoyed very much your pages.

stephanie - 02/29/00 22:10:49
My Email:lushus15@hotmail.com

i was wondering if i was related to u? i am also a flegg my heritage is italian and english well w/b soon steph

Maria Galletta - 01/22/00 02:03:33

hey Jennifer! Nice page!

Renee - 11/30/99 06:30:55
My URL:http://www.compu-ad.net/public/kids.htm
My Email:emma@compu-ad.net

Christian Links for Kids and Teens

Amy - 09/02/99 16:58:40
My URL:http://tour.almonte.net
My Email:tour@almonte.net

Nice page!

Graham Ronald - 08/12/99 12:26:27
My Email:gflegg@acenet.com.au

Interesting reading - will pop back in future

Frank - 07/05/99 09:07:22
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~franksplace
My Email:franksplace@sprint.ca

Very impressive homepage. Excellent work! Keep it up.

Bill Anderson - 06/03/99 03:17:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~banderson205/
My Email:billfl@atlantic.net

Nice site,,I am looking for history on Giltnan,Gilman,Anderson and many others for my web site.. THANK YOU BILL

Michael Flegg - 05/27/99 10:14:35
My Email:michael.flegg@wmc.com.au

Hi there, noticed that your last name is the same as my own - my lineage goes back to Poland/Germany - where does yours originate from? Drop me a line. Cheers Fleggy

Jack - 05/16/99 02:24:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com.Heartland/Plains/9915
My Email:nt3bjack@mail.cvn.net


Very well done,

Still viewing some of your pages, but wanted to sign your Guest Book and let you know how much I am enjoying your ancestors history. I really enjoyed the old family pictures you have. Amazing to see those young men in WW2 Uniforms in Germany. Thank you for sharing your history. Oh, very nice looking family. God Bless Always,

The Ditzler's

Sharon Alexander - 02/27/99 04:13:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/5651
My Email:polly101@aol.com

Thanks for a nice visit....come see us in Oklahoma some time!! :)

Judy Baird - 02/05/99 19:39:45
My Email:rjb@solidnet.com


Alexander Valle-Albert - 12/29/98 00:59:23
My Email:alexmara@isla.net

Nice site ...and family!! I meet you in Soup 15 minutes ago! I had just time to say you hi! God bless you and your family Alexander y María

Cathe - 12/04/98 21:56:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/8081/iaa/index.htm
My Email:cathev@hotmail.com

Hi Jenny! Just thought I would drop by and officially welcome you as a member of the Internet Addicts!

spank413 - 10/06/98 00:41:27
My Email:spank413@netscape.net

i enjoyed jenny. ha ha that's my wife's name also.

Sharon harper - 10/05/98 10:09:01
My Email:sharius@ivillage.com

Hello..its a great homepage and your family is gorgeous. thanks for inviting me to meet your family.

Frank - 09/24/98 08:54:25
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~franksplace
My Email:franksplace@sprint.ca

Great start to your page! I just started mine a few weeks ago, and I still have a lot to learn. Drop by for a visit if you get a chance.

deb46 - 09/24/98 01:59:58
My Email:dmac@fidnet.com

Now I can put faces to people that I have chatted with. Nice looking family. See you in morning or evening. See you in soup. deb46

Krissy.......aka Allysas_Mom - 09/16/98 23:42:02
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/t/x/b/txbailey.html
My Email:bailey72@hotmail.com

Nice Page!!!

hobbit - 09/16/98 00:26:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/9945
My Email:hobbitt@home.com

You've made a nice start here, keep going!

smiely - 09/16/98 00:25:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/8767
My Email:smiely@hotmail.com

Nice family! :-)

Teresa (aka tmom2) - 09/15/98 02:38:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/3549
My Email:mgarrett@eatel.net

Jenny, You're officially added (LOL). You have a beautiful family! See ya in soup.

Jennifer Flegg - 09/06/98 23:38:46

How about that!! It actually works!! Please sign away, and leave a few words for all to see! Thanks for coming!

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