Welcome to my Guestbook!

Peggie Wlker - 08/26/00 13:13:10
My Email:peggie23@cyberback.com

Your "site" is lovely. Peggie

Yvonne Moody - 07/08/00 01:12:36
My Email:oesmema@flash.net

Your page is very nice, Glenda. I am so glad I got to meet you in Connecticut in 1997 when I was the Representative from Oklahoma. Keep up the great work.

Gloria McKenzie - 07/02/00 13:04:11
My Email:gloriam@telapex.com


Teresa Pate - 07/02/00 05:02:30
My Email:GrAdah2000@aol.com

I had so much fun learning more about you and your family. You are such a talented person.

Dorsey McGuirt - 07/01/00 14:11:57
My Email:dorsey@pokynet.com

I have enjoyed reading about your family, quiet and inspiration for me.

Libby Ingram - 06/11/00 23:45:55
My Email:lib77@gateway.net

Hi, Glenda, I was just looking around at OES sites and came across yours. Excellent job!! The pictures of your family are very nice. Hope to see you sometime soon!! Love, Libby

Nancy Lindsey - 06/08/00 00:27:43
My Email:wgm2000@ipa.net

Cool page!

Carolyn Cagle - 03/04/00 04:47:37
My Email:Hobbie710@aolcom

I am Worthy Matron 1999-2000 of Almeda Chapter 1081 in Houston, Texas with my husband John. We are enjoying our second time in the east and will be going out on June 16, 2000. i am enjoying your web page.

Dianne Corby - 02/08/00 00:24:10
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/DianneC
My Email:DianneC@webtv.net

I enjoyed my vist to your site. I'm a PM of Dallas Chapter #396 in Dallas, PA. currently I'm serving as AM.

Rhonda - 10/21/98 18:45:56
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Rhonni925/indes.html
My Email:Rhonni925@aol.com

Mrs. Peyton, I like your web page. Where did you find the music for yours? I'm still in the looking stage for mine. Lisa said Renee worked on yours. Tell her I said "Good Job!"

Ben Lewis - 10/20/98 14:04:21
My Email:Blewisade@aol.com

Found your page Mrs. Peyton. Very nice!! I have a page but don't know if non AOL users can access it. http://hometown.aol.com/bl204b/education.html I don't ever look at it so don't know if anyone else does. My system is too slow to access much. Takes too long. Have a nice day! Congratulations on your new home page!! Ben.

Ben Lewis - 10/20/98 14:03:20
My Email:Blewisade@aol.com

Found your page Mrs. Peyton. Very nice!! I have a page but don't know if non AOL users can access it. http://hometown.aol.com/bl204b/education.html I don't ever look at it so don't know if anyone else does. My system is too slow to access much. Takes too long. Have a nice day! Congratulations on your new home page!! Ben.

Craig - 10/14/98 02:19:18
My URL:/siliconvalley/8081
My Email:ZeeNight@hotmail.com

Ahh, Very Nice! Don't know ya, but you seem like a nice person. I'm the guy who added the Guestbook and Counter. Well I figured I would stop by and see how it is going. Good-Bye.

Renee Perry - 10/13/98 20:38:14
My Email:rperry@gentry1.nwsc.k12.ar.us

I love your page! You did a great job! Love Ya, Renee

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